Can't add new Advanced Workflow

mantra tester asked on August 10, 2021 11:39

How to enabled advanced workflow? i'am using kentico 13, I already edit web.config at directory path (CMS\CMSModules\Workflows) and un-comment this key <add key="CMSDisableGeneratedWorkflowSecureEndpoint" value="true" /> and this endpoint <endpoint name="Secure" address="" behaviorConfiguration="WorkflowDesignerEndpointBehavior" binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WorkflowDesignerSecureBinding" contract="CMS.WebServices.IWorkflowDesignerService" />. did i missed something ?

Recent Answers

Juraj Ondrus answered on August 10, 2021 12:50

What is the error you are getting? In what web.config file have you added those settings? Are you using SSL/HTTPS or not? I assume that WCF is enabled and installed on given server.

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mantra tester answered on August 18, 2021 12:00

at this directory path CMS\CMSModules\Workflows\web.config. im not using SSL/HTTPS

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Juraj Ondrus answered on August 18, 2021 12:19

so, why did you uncommented the secure end point if you are not using SSL/HTTPS? In this case you should be using the default, unsecure endpoint

< endpoint name="Public" address="" behaviorConfiguration="AutomationDesignerEndpointBehavior" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="CMS.WebServices.IWorkflowDesignerService" />

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mantra tester answered on August 19, 2021 05:05

if I use the default setting, advanced workflows doesn't appear sir

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