
Ei Dar Li Ko Ko asked on February 24, 2015 04:19

I have created a custom module when clicked on the edit button of the list it will display the Edit.aspx. However, my Edit.aspx does not display any breadcrumbs to go back to the previous List.aspx of the custom module. Is there any way to do this?

Recent Answers

Virgil Carroll answered on February 24, 2015 05:33

Are you looking for a Kentico way to do this, or just a .NET way to do this?

Do the user controls sit on separate pages? Or are you showing them (show/hide) on the same page?

If they are on separate pages then you could always call the HttpRequest.UrlReferrer method in C# and use that to build your breadcrumb to the Edit.aspx page

Provide some more info on how things are set-up and we may be able to provide more thoughts.

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Ei Dar Li Ko Ko answered on February 24, 2015 07:23

Kentico way or .Net way is not really matter the one i use is this

[UIElement("CompanyOverview", "ManualOfficeList")]

[Breadcrumbs()] [Breadcrumb(0, "general.banners", TargetUrl = "~/CMSModules/CompanyOverview/EditOffice.aspx?siteid={%siteid%}&parentobjectid={%parentobjectid%}")] [Breadcrumb(1, "ManualOffice")]

but the CompanyOverview UI does not appear and it just showing me the >ManualOffice

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Brenden Kehren answered on February 24, 2015 07:34

Are you using the out of the box module development page templates and webparts or have you created aspx pages? Out of the box you can simply specify a few properties using the page templates. It functions as the UI does with the tabs at the top and the left flyout navigation.

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Ei Dar Li Ko Ko answered on February 24, 2015 07:37

Out of the box template I follow the example on the Custom Module developement -> Manually create modules. I have created the aspx pages and want to link them with the breadcrumbs.

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Virgil Carroll answered on February 24, 2015 16:55

I got to be honest, you are not providing us with a lot of information to help you. What are you using to generate the breadcrumb right now? Are you using custom code or are you implementing the breadcrumb control? What is the structure of your pages?

There are a lot of variables that could effect why this does not work, but we do not have enough information to assist. Providing more details will be very helpful, otherwise I would suggest contacting Kentico support for some assistance (and send them your code files).


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