Hi Farah,
I am assuming your page type field called "PDF" having a data type = "Attachment" and form control = "Attachments" why to use data type as Attachment if you want to store multiple attachments.
Do you want to store multiple PDF against that page ? if yes then
refer this example to get desired output.
If you want to upload only single PDF against page so you can use
1. data type = "File" and form control = "Direct Upload"
How to read in transformation
<%# GetFileUrl("FeatureFile") %>
2. data type = "Text" and form control = "File Selection"
How to read in transformation <%# Eval("FeatureFile") %>
3. data type = "Text" and form control = "Media Selection"
How to read in transformation <%# Eval("FeatureFile") %>
Happy to help !