Additional resource/ js files added by Kentico?

Priscilla Vineland asked on February 9, 2021 12:40

I view sourced a site I built with Kentico (v9) and noticed there're many js files added (sample list below) that I've never used or added myself in any of my templates. Is there a place/file where I can manage this listing? One of the resource file returns a 404, and the jquery-core is redundant (because I used and linked to a different jquery file in the master template)

Edit: To clarify, I've created the site from scratch myself using Portal Engine, so I know which files are in use/needed, but the system was set up by a different team, so I'm not sure about those resources and how they got in there.

Recent Answers

Trevor Fayas answered on February 9, 2021 23:21

Although not sure why you would build a site on Kentico 9, Kentico includes many javascript files depending on what's needed.

Javascript widgets / webparts use the GetResource and pull in items. Various controls may use the ScriptManager to include files and resources.

Those are usually what occurs. The list didn't show so hard to give a definitive answer.

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