Adding web form registrar namespace to one template

Conor Dunk asked on September 6, 2016 12:23


I need to add the following to a certain page template/type:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="reevoo" Namespace="ReevooMark" Assembly="ReevooMark" %>

If I convert the template from portal to portal page and aspx. Can I use the master as a portal engine type?

Thank you, Conor

Recent Answers

Jan Hermann answered on September 6, 2016 12:53

No, both ASPX templates and ASPX+Portal templates use master page that is linked in the template.

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Brenden Kehren answered on September 6, 2016 15:39

In this case I'd add this reference to the web.config file so it can be used across all pages, if needed.

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Martin Hejtmanek answered on September 8, 2016 12:32

ASCX based page template layout is basically user control markup without code behind with some default directives added at the beginning, so you can add additional directives at the beginning of it if you want to. But if you use it often, I would add it to default ones in web.config as Brenden suggests.

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