I would like to add another tab to the Administration / Users
Presently I have General | Password | Settings | Custom | fields | Sites | Roles | Departments | Notifications | Categories | Subscriptions | Languages |Membership
I would like; General | Password | Settings | Custom | fields | Sites | Roles | Departments | Notifications | Categories | Subscriptions | Languages | Membership | NEW MENU 1 | NEW MENU 2
I have some pages I have created to add some company related details to each user.
Thanks for any help
In v7 and older, you have to modify base Kentico code files. You might look into creating a module for those items so you don't have to modify the base code files. In v8, you can simply do this from the UI with ease.
you need to go to Modules -> Users -> User interface and add new UI element either to Users or Users (global) and then to Edit user UI element.
Best regards, Jan Hermann
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