It's been a long time since I've tried A/B testing in Kentico EMS. I must be doing something wrong. My A/B tests do not register any conversions or page visits in the A/B testing app, however I see conversions recorded in the Conversions app and I see page visits recorded in the Web Analytics app. Also, in the A/B testing app I don't get dropdown options for the "Conversion goals" that I configured for the test.
Web Analytics, A/B Testing, and Multivariant testing are all turned on globally in Settings. The site is a Kentico 12 site. I've reviewed the Kentico documentation very carefully. In my simple test, I set up a A/B page test. My single variant is nested below my original page in the recommended way. What else might I be missing? Thanks!
Hi Bryan,
Could you check what's your default Cookie level for this website? It's on Settings > System > Default cookie level.
Hi Dmitry, Cookie level is set to All. I see the cookie generated in my browser's developer tool. The value always looks like this: {"ExcludedFromTest":true,"Conversions":[]}
Is your Kentico 12 website MVC or Portal Engine?
For MVC you can check these instructions, in particular:
For Portal Engine instructions are here:
To Bryan Johnson: I have also the "ExcludedFromTest":true if the test is running but page with AB variants is not published yet. I think that is also possible to have the "ExcludedFromTest":true if in Settings of test in "Included traffic" is not 100%.
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