Hi there,
I put some codes to enable preview and page-builder and made the home route and landing-page router in the MVC site.
If I run the edit or preview of the homepage in the admin site with below url, it works fine. http://localhost:63959/cmsctx/pv/administrator/culture/en-US/wg/53273b65-4901-4f93-90e4-3522579bcc06/readonly/0/ea/1/h/def49cffbbe39e1c10dc9484b3fceca9c265bb7f4733fb87f82689d41a539312/-/en-us/home?instance=a10aaab0-37ac-492d-abc0-d12650ee1b22&uh=b7675cbdd34c2e2e16c16417eb2c9065c5df96b6a17a1f0f633f089ed4074b4c&editmode=1&administrationUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A51872%2F If I try to access with below, it works fine. http://localhost:63959/en-us/home
So, I assume that if I have a correct route and url pattern, it would works fine.
But, if I try to other with below, it doesn't work. It goes to 404. http://localhost:63959/cmsctx/pv/administrator/culture/en-US/wg/f0066e27-2be2-4954-b220-855f5d02861a/readonly/0/ea/1/h/b75e513aefff184cb97ad3f9fe96cb709073b7489231209d88ee47094c417df6/-/en-us/landingpage/first-landing-page?instance=eccd23bb-94a7-480e-bbbc-66325315c74a&uh=c378644c57b57e85c4642b882fca7010c551662ff28d062ed283eb437648d454&editmode=1&administrationUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A51872%2F
But, if I try to with just below, it works fine. http://localhost:63959/en-us/landingpage/first-landing-page
Can anyone help me come to know what I missed?
I found the reason why some of pages go to 404 by accident.
In the page types, I missed "/" in the front of URL pattern.
e.g) "{%DocumentCulture%}/Landing/{%NodeAlias%}" instead of "/{%DocumentCulture%}/Landing/{%NodeAlias%}"
We had that issues when admin and MVC apps were on different domains - that causes cross domain issue and preview fails.
So we resolved it by hosting apps under the same domain, e.g domain.com for MVC app and domain.com/admin for administration.
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