Azure Recommendations

by Ray Business Technologies Pvt Ltd
Azure Recommendations preview




Works with:
10.0, 11.0


Azure Recommendations is a module built in Kentico to get recommendations for the product by taking the reference of Recommendations API which is built with Microsoft Azure Machine learning. Using this module we can get User to Item and Item to Item Recommendations.


Azure Recommendations is a module built in Kentico to get recommendations for the product by taking the reference of Recommendations API which is built with Microsoft Azure Machine learning. Using this module we can get User to Item and Item to Item Recommendations. When a user visits a website he can be able to see the recommender items according to his browsing history which may increase the percentage of visitors to a website that convert into customers Azure recommendations is a Kentico custom module which supports in Kentico v9, v10 and v11. Below are the key features: • Created user interface for model (for multiple page types), catalog and usage. • Displaying status for catalog and usage. • Displaying list of created models in a table format with three action items (Edit, Delete). • Displaying recommendations based on item to item and user to item with image. • Task scheduler for catalog, usage. • Multiple selection of activity types. • Background process for updating catalog, usage.