9/19/2012 1:10:43 PM
RE:Time zone in outlook events
If you edit the .ics file in notepad, does it look similar to this:
BEGIN:vCalendar METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:vEvent DTSTAMP:20120919T151433Z DTSTART:20120920T140622Z DTEND:20120920T150622Z LOCATION:bxxx DESCRIPTION:bxxx\n\nbxxx SUMMARY:bxxx PRIORITY:3 BEGIN:vAlarm TRIGGER:P0DT0H15M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:vAlarm END:vEvent END:vCalendar
Once you enabled the time zones at both the site and global level, can you please go back and re-save the event from the Form tab, then try the Add to Outlook link again.
Also, just to clarify your original statement "we are getting the time with no time zone".
When you import the event into outlook, it will not include original time zone from the event. For example, if the event from Kentico is set to start at 10AM EST, and you are adding the event in PST, the event start time will be 7AM PST in Outlook.
Best Regards, Edward Hillard