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Version 4.x > New features > Editable Image - allow link url's View modes: 
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mike.irving-silkmoth - 6/18/2009 5:26:34 AM
Editable Image - allow link url's
I know that we can add images in an editable text area, and link them to URL's of our choosing....

...but it would be nice to be able to add links to images selected in Editable Image areas.

I think this would be a very welcome feature edition.

As mentioned, we know you can add linked images by adding them into text regions, however this increases the possibility that the user may mess up the look of the page, i.e. by adding spacing or text after the image, so it would be much nicer to be able to use Editable Image boxes and allow these to be linked.

Would this be possible? I think a lot of people would like this functionality.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/24/2009 9:09:30 AM
RE:Editable Image - allow link url's
Hi Mike,

Thank you for your feature suggestion. We will definitely consider this feature for some of the future versions.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek.

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mark.scott-tevaneuro - 6/25/2009 3:49:04 PM
RE:Editable Image - allow link url's
Might I suggest an image map property on the editable image web part? I recently had this same need on a project and ended up having to use the static text web part with something like this:

<img id="bannerImage" alt="Banner Image" src="~/Images/headerImage1.aspx" usemap="#myImageMap" />
<map name="myImageMap" id="myImageMap">
<area shape="rect" coords="727,25,907,89" href="" target="_blank" alt="Your Alt Text Here..." />
<area shape="rect" coords="309,25,646,98" href="home.aspx" alt="Your Alt Text Here..." />

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kentico_pavelk - 7/7/2009 5:08:56 AM
RE:Editable Image - allow link url's
Hi Mark,

Thank you for your suggestion. I have forwarded it to our Product manager who will consider it.

Best Regards,
Pavel Knotek

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eric.rovtar-hudsonchapel - 7/25/2010 10:32:29 AM
RE:Editable Image - allow link url's
I'd like to also request this feature. It seems to be something easy to implement and a great tool!

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brien-anca - 2/20/2011 6:53:10 PM
RE:Editable Image - allow link url's
This is a highly needed feature (image maps) which is supported by other CMS systems and most HTML editors. Please add this feature