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Version 4.x > New features > Document Attachments View modes: 
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kiza_soza-hotmail - 9/23/2009 7:38:00 PM
Document Attachments
Hi guys

i like the attachments for a page, but it is limited in that basically all that happens is a file is attached..
I would like to see me be able to give the file a title so that instead of seeing


i could make it look like

Click here to download the latest catalog

I think it looks too messy as it is now.. I could rename the files before attaching, but naming a file that someone downloads as "Click here ......pdf" just isnt right:)


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 9/28/2009 6:39:42 AM
RE:Document Attachments
Hi Greg,

if you display the attachments on the live page you may use the Document attachments web part ( and re-write the transformation which displays the particular attachments.

You can use a custom macro with case statement inside to display the correct link text. More information about custom macros is here:

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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ozie - 10/4/2009 7:26:23 AM
RE:Document Attachments
Hi Helena
thanks for writting

But I see a small problem here.. I understand how to add the Document Attachments webpart etc..
I create a new page and under properties>attachments i add some files
there is no way to enter in what i would like the text to be for each file.. therefore in the macro there is nothing i can as retrieve thats built in.

now i just want to be able to add say 50 files and as i add each one give each a title that could be used in the link title.

when adding an attachment the edit button is greyed out.. i think it would be good for Kentico to add a text box for each attachment so that something like a title can be EASILY be added as be used in a macro

There is no way i want to create a select case statement for EVERY page that has attachments just to have a nicer title to click than some generated file format title.

This is one big short fall in this CMS that i think should be changed.. me as a programmer could spend hours writing case statements, but what about someone that just wants to use it out of the box. And since i have hundereds of pages that will have attachments on each page creating a case statement defets the purpose of a CMS in making life easy.. what happens in 6 months time when the files all change and get updated.. i dont want to hunt through code and edit case statements


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 10/6/2009 7:38:00 AM
RE:Document Attachments
Hi Greg,

I understand it would be very helpful for you. I suggest it as a new feature.

You could develop similar functionality by yourself. You may implement the Tetbox to the attachment list (<web site folder>\CMSAdminControls\Attachments\DocumentAttachments\DocumentAttachmentsList.ascx)
and save the values to custom table (columns: AttachmentID, Title). Then you may display data from the custom table according the AttachmentID in transformations.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova