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Version 4.x > New features > Integrating Kentico CMS with Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) View modes: 
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Halim - 4/23/2009 12:55:58 AM
Integrating Kentico CMS with Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF)

Last week a friend told me that he has an application that involves a lot of business processes internally and externally. He then discovered about Windows Workflow Foundation and immediately thinking that this would definitely solve his problem.

He later asked me whether Kentico supports or can it be integrated with WWF. And it came into my mind this would be so cool if Kentico able to support it. So, I'm wondering if Kentico has any plan in integrating/support WWF into the CMS.

Halim Dahlan

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 4/23/2009 5:55:11 AM
RE:Integrating Kentico CMS with Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF)
We did not test it yet, but it is in plan for the near future (to test, if it can be integrated/supported in Kentico CMS).

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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mark.scott-tevaneuro - 6/25/2009 3:42:52 PM
RE:Integrating Kentico CMS with Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF)
I agree. The rules engine alone would make it worth while to incorporate into Kentico!