Wrap Up: Kentico CMS: A Case Study in Building for Today’s Web

Thanks to everyone that attended!
Kentico CMS: A Case Study in Building for Today’s Web
Building software is a set of smart choices to meet the needs of your customers and the possibilities of technology. Today’s Web demands that customers have a choice in how they deploy their applications. With over 7,000 websites in 84 countries, Kentico CMS for ASP.Net is delivered as a single code base for use as a cloud, hosted, or on-premise solution. With over 34 out of the box modules and everything built on a SQL Server backend – How did we do it? What tradeoffs did we make? In this session we will answer that question and look at how to build a rich and compelling website using Windows Azure.

Slides Available here

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Thomas Robbins

I spend my time working with partners and customers extending their marketing and technology to the fullest.
