What’s New in the Kentico Marketplace?
Let's have a look at the newest free additions in the Kentico Marketplace!
Zip Code Proximity Search Filter Web Part
The ability to filter a group of locations based on proximity to a given zip code is a common functionality provided by many websites; it may be used to locate stores, jobs, restaurants, etc. within a configurable distance from a specified zip code. The Zip code proximity search filter web part by Brave New Markets, a Kentico Gold Partner from the USA, provides a solution for this need in Kentico. It currently comes fully integrated with a custom table of all U.S. zip codes, and could easily be modified to work with any custom table of zip codes.

To download the Zip code proximity search filter web part, please visit our Marketplace.
Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive Selectors
If you want to let your users easily choose a file from their cloud storage service, the new form controls by Squareball Digital, a Kentico Gold Partner from the United Kingdom, are the right choice for you. These form controls allow users to browse and select their files from a Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive account.

All three form controls are available for free in the Kentico Marketplace.
Kentico Shared Content Module
The Shared Content module, developed by BlueModus, a Kentico Gold Partner from the USA, is a page-based module that allows content to be easily displayed in multiple places. Once a page of Shared Content page type is created, it can be referenced via a Shared Content Viewer web part, widget, or a special macro method anywhere in the website and its content will be displayed.
For more information or a free download, please visit our Marketplace.
Bootstrap Multi Selector
The Bootstrap Multi Selector form control by Systematix Infotech, a Kentico Silver Partner from India, is a jQuery and Bootstrap based form control that provides users with an intuitive interface for selecting items. Instead of a standard selector, a Bootstrap button will be shown as a dropdown menu containing the single options as checkboxes.

This form control is also available for free in the Kentico Marketplace.
Category Selectors
If you want to restrict the category selectors to display only categories from a specified node in the category tree, the new selectors by RBN Tech, a Kentico Gold Partner from Russia, will come in handy. Download the Single category selection and Multiple category selection form controls from the Kentico Marketplace!