Web 2.0 Consuming RSS/ATOM Feeds with Kentico
RSS feeds are everywhere these days. Who could imagine a Web site that didnt provide them in some way? Feeds provide a Web site developer the ability to publish headline and frequently updated content. They offer a low bandwidth stripped down version of a web site that readers can subscribe to using a feed reader. In case you didnt know the Kentico Marketplace has a free Web Part feed reader that brings RSS/ATOM feeds into the Kentico CMS system that is available
Once the Web Part is installed you can pull in any RSS or ATOM based feed. As an example, I subscribed to the most popular links from delicous.

The question I often hear is where can I find good feeds to use? While not a complete list. Here is some good locations to start.
Site Name
Link to RSS Feeds
delicous free RSS feeds
If you have any good locations that I may not have listed please let me know.