Wanna Learn Kentico 11? Part 2: Training & Certification
Oh my, oh my, look at that! All you wanted for Christmas was Kentico 11 and we made your wish come true! And now is the right time to learn how to use the new perks of Kentico Stallion. In this article, we'll focus on the news you can find in our training courses and certifications.
This article follows up on part 1 about documentation. If you haven't read the first part yet, we can recommend that one too.

It's All About the Publish Date
In previous years, the common practice was to have all training courses and certification ready a couple of months after the version release. Now, that's okay for content editor and marketing courses because administrators and marketers come aboard a project after developers do their share. But what about developers?
"Developers! Developers! Developers!"
—Steve Ballmer
That's why we said that we don't want to release Kentico 11 without developer courses and certification ready. And here we are, a couple of months later, releasing Kentico 11... and those mentioned developer courses and certification! From now on, you can order training designed for Kentico 11.
Proud Kentico 10 Users
"Wait a minute there! I'm not ready to upgrade to Kentico 11, I've hired new developers and they still need to use Kentico 10. Bring back the old training!"
We're ready even for Kentico 10 users so there's no need to panic. When you're ordering a new training course or certification, you can select which version you'd like.

Ordering Training? Let's Do It Simple
If you've ordered a training course before, you may have found it pretty difficult to get from the "I want to learn something" phase to the "Great, now I'm learning" phase. If you had five developers, you had to order five Developer Essentials seats and five Advanced Developer seats. Then you got two registration links that you needed to fill in.
We saw that too. That's why from January 2018, we're coming with offering universal training seats. If you have those five developers, you order 10 training sets (without choosing which course you want yet) and then get 1 registration link which you can use to pick courses (and versions) for each attendee you add.
Dashing through the course
With certification in mind
O'er chapters we go
Practicing all the way
—Jingle Course
One System to Rule Them All
From now on, we're also abandoning the voucher system. Don't worry, you still get a free seat for the Certified Developer exam after you complete the Advanced Developer course and a free set for the Certified Marketer exam after you complete the Online Marketing Essentials course.
But it's all going to be in one system at learn.with.kentico.com where you can see your progress in all your courses and certifications. So no more requesting vouchers, hooraay!

A little note here, though, and we cannot stress it enough. The Certified Developer exam is much more complex than the level of the Advanced Developer course, so we still highly recommend going through our preparation guide and waiting until after your first (or second) completed project to get enough experience to pass the certification.
What About the Rest?
If you already have your developers certified, we're going to offer them all recertification. We're planning to do that during January 2018. If they need to be recertified by the end of this year, you can always send us an email at training@kentico.com.
Stay tuned also for the other courses. Both Content Admin Essentials and Online Marketing Essentials for Kentico 11 along with the Certified Marketer exam should be up and running during January, plenty of time before your content and marketing experts start doing their cool ninja stuff.
We hope you'll be satisfied with Kentico's documentation, training, and certification, and please feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below.