SSL v3 Vulnerability - POODLE


There has been a new vulnerability in SSL v3, which was the POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack. POODLE, main area of attack is against SSL v3. In particular it allows the attacker to retrieve elements from the SSL connection. Plaintext elements, like cookies, from this connection can be retrieved. As you can see this is something that could prove costly if hackers got hold of sensitive information. 

Read more in Ilesh Mistry's blog!
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Ilesh Mistry

As well as performing his Kentico Technical Architect duties at MMT Digital, Ilesh is also a Kentico MVP, promoting Kentico and writing Kentico blogs for the community. He has been working with Kentico since version 3 and loves the best practices when building Kentico sites. His primarily focus is the Kentico Admin area and building high performance sites! He architects bespoke Kentico websites that deliver outstanding user experiences. See my Blog for more post -
