New Technology Partnership Program Extends Kentico Functionality
There is no doubt that the expectations and needs of today's customers are pretty complex. This also means that businesses have to use complex "environments" to be able to satisfy them. In other words, it usually means getting multiple software, services, or technologies to work together. In many cases, it also means developing additional custom solutions. Skeptical? Just think about how many types of software you and your team use every day to manage your multichannel website and satisfy its customers.

Therefore, we are introducing the Technology Partnership Program to provide out-of-the-box solutions for those typical situations. This means bringing you native certified connectors to allow you to connect Kentico to these complex environments out of the box. Also, it provides certified add-ons that bring added functionality to Kentico’s already rich out-of-the-box offering. We call all these solutions Certified Extensions. Sounds interesting? Let's have a look in more detail...
What Is Required to Join the Program?
Based on what was mentioned above, you will have to have a custom Kentico add-on or integration with a third-party system and pass the extension certification process to enter the program. One thing I would like to highlight at this point is that we care about quality over quantity. Of course, there isn't any value in having thousands of extensions that never get upgraded to Kentico's latest version, are full of bugs, or whose authors don't respond to customers’ questions.

This means that another requirement is that you provide a certain level of support for your extension to ensure buyers can rely on you and your extension in the future. This includes technical support with a reasonable response time (support via email is sufficient), bug fixing, and regular upgrading of your extension to Kentico's latest version. Based on our research, most authors of quality extensions on our Marketplace already provide this kind of support as they are aware of the fact that this is what every customer expects. So, if you are serious about your extension in the same way, you are a candidate for this program.
Who Can Join?
No matter whether you are a Kentico Solution Partner, software vendor, or a company/developer with no previous relations with Kentico, the program is open to everybody that provides software, services, or technology that extends the capabilities of Kentico products and brings greater value to those using our products.
Why Join?
Simply put, Kentico helps you with all aspects around your extension - business, development, marketing, and sales. Let's have a look at what it means and what specific benefits you can get...

Kentico being a global player, there is a wide base of potential Kentico customers (25,000 websites running on Kentico, 1,000 digital agency partners in 80 countries) you can sell your extension, provide your supportive service or technology to. Also, we can help you to set up the right business model for your extension and validate it with potential buyers (Kentico partners and/or clients).
We can support the development of your extension by providing you free Kentico online training, Kentico developer licenses, and technical consultancy for extension development. To keep you on the right track during development, we can provide you with a group of early adopters (some of our existing customers) that will give you feedback. As a part of our offering, there is also a free extension quality check to ensure that your extension performs well on the Kentico platform. This all helps you create an extension that customers will love.
Marketing and sales
Having a great extension is not enough. You need to get it to your potential customers and sell it. Fortunately, we are ready to help you with that as well. Let me explain how...
After passing the extension quality check, your extension becomes a "Certified Extension", which certainly supports trust in your extension from potential buyers. Such extensions also get extra visibility on Kentico's Marketplace. Furthermore, you as an author receive a "Kentico Technology Partner badge" and will be listed on our Technology Partners’ page, which will certainly increase your reputation and the proof of your expertise in the given area. Of course, we will use our other channels to promote our partnership and your certified extensions as well. These include mentions in Kentico's newsletter, on social media, and on our blog.
Still not enough? With "invited" Technology Partners, we are ready to go even further by doing joint online webinars and presentations at Kentico events and promoting and selling your extensions the through highly exposed Product and Purchase sections on Kentico's primary website.
Who Has Already Joined?
There are several Kentico Solution Partners and software vendors that have already joined the program and are delivering additional value to our joint customers. I would like to highlight these two new/updated Certified Extensions:
You can find all Certified Extensions on our Marketplace
Become a Partner
Already have an extension and want to get it certified and to receive support for its marketing and sales to make your business more successful? Don't have an extension yet and want Kentico to help you to develop it? Or are you a provider of a service or technology that could bring greater value to Kentico customers? Become a Technology Partner to serve our joint customers better!