New Hotfix 5.0.18 (build no. 3778) Released

The new hotfix package was released and it is available for download. You can find the hotfix packages for appropriate .Net version in the Bugtracker (the orange box on the right). Instructions are included, please read carefully.
Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.18 (build no. 3778):
·  When a new language version of a document was created, a wrong file type icon was displayed in the content tree.
·  An import package with upper-case extension could not be imported.
·   Web parts on a default page did not work correctly when the Redirect document aliases to main URL setting was set to true.
·  Documents under workflow could be published even if they weren't in the Publish step when using the Publish To and Publish From fields.
·  Basic Repeater and Basic Datalist web parts did not work correctly with a filter if the HideControlForZeroRows property was enabled.
·  Workflow e-mails were incorrectly sent to users from other sites.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.17 (build no. 3771):
· User and group widgets were not correctly displayed in design mode.
· If user changed document tags, its child document's tags were also updated.
· WYSIWYG editor threw an exception in some UI personalization configurations.
· Macros in web parts were incorrectly saved if current page template was changed.
· An exception was thrown when user requested a non-existing page via a permanent link.
· Media library selector in WYSIWYG dialogs was not working properly if the Groups module was not installed.
· WYSIWYG editor toolbar personalization did not work properly if the personalized group contained only one item.
· File import failed if the 'File import folder' setting was set to a value that did not end with a backslash.
· Poll web part was not displayed properly after voting and refreshing the page.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.16 (build no. 3765):
· Linked documents were not processed correctly during multiple publish and archive operations.
· Linked documents with specified URL path property were incorrectly displayed instead of the original document.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.15 (build no. 3758):
· Users were unable to delete a grouped document attachment.
· Forum web parts generated XHTML invalid code.
· Smart search - Ad-hoc forums were incorrectly added into a forum type index.
· Smart search - Forum search results always showed the default user picture instead of the current user's picture.
· Smart search - Improved indexing performance of document security changes.
· Minor design issues

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.14 (build no. 3742):
· Page title displayed cached macro values instead of current values.
· Site deletion threw an exception if the application was running in a web farm.
· Flash object did not support secured HTTP connection.
· Media library security management did not work correctly for group administrators in live site group management.
· An exception was thrown when an image that had not yet been published was selected in the Editable image web part.
· Navigation web parts threw an exception when they were used with the Check permissions option set to true.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.13 (build no. 3733):
· Message boards - Group administrators could not manage group message board's authorized roles.
· "Prompt to save changes on exit" setting did not work properly.
· Forums - thread sorting did not work properly in special cases.
· Minor design issues.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.12 (build no. 3733):
· Drag & Drop of web parts and widgets did not work properly in horizontal direction.
· Macros defined in web part properties were not copied when duplicating a web part.
· Cache minutes value defined for full page caching was ignored and 10 minutes was used instead of the document's setting.
· Some document properties were inherited from the parent document even if the document had its own properties set.
· The document custom data were not saved correctly for versioned documents.
· User account was not assigned to a customer when "Create a login for the website" option was chosen in CMSDesk -> E-commerce administration.
· Paging in CustomTableDataGrid and QueryDataGrid web parts did not work properly.
· Minor design issues.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.11 (build no. 3722):
· Groups - Forum search result links were not correct due to invalid default forum group settings.
· Web parts - Flash web part was not working when the “Automatically activate the object” option was enabled and the “Additional parameters" property was empty at the same time.
· WYSIWYG Dialogs - "Insert image or media" and "Insert link" dialogs did not open properly if the application ran on a different port than the one which the visitor used to access the site.
· Staging - View of a document type was not deleted on the target server when the document type was deleted.
· WebFarm - Avatar images and On-line users generated unneeded web farm tasks in special cases.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.10 (build no. 3715):
· UniPager did not work properly if a bound control was placed under it.
· Widgets - User and group widgets were not correctly displayed on live site in special cases.
· Site selector in CMS Desk did not work properly for site domains with application path.
· Improved retrieving of ImageAlign in UniMenuButtons.ascx control.
· Long input values could cause an exception to be thrown when sending a message.
· WYSIWYG Editor dialogs - Editing links could cause exceptions if Content or Attachments tab was selected.
· Image editing was not possible on the live site in some special cases.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.9 (build no. 3708):
· Messaging - There was a problem with replying and forwarding messages when the subject was too long.
· Widgets - An exception was thrown in some special cases when adding a Message board widget.
· Custom tables - Cache dependencies for custom table data were not handled correctly.
· Media library - When a folder name contained an apostrophe, some actions did not work properly.
· Import/Export - When user checked the option to export ASPX templates folder, not all files within this folder were exported.
· Media library - A wrong error message was thrown when uploading a thumbnail with an extension that was not allowed.
· FCK Editor - Base path property was not applied.
· UrlRewriter - Extension-less URLs could throw an exception "Length cannot be less than zero." in special cases.
· WYSIWYG Editor - Inserting flash object in the source code mode was not handled correctly if an object tag was present.
· Groups - Group code names were not handled correctly in the administration interface.
· Minor design issues

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.8 (build no. 3702):
·  Custom tables - Custom table datagrid was not reflecting columns settings.
·  Enabled webpart Bindings and Code tabs could cause an exception when adding webparts on a page.
·  Webparts - Flash webpart was causing JavaScript errors if Flash.NotSupported resource string contained apostrophes.
·  Categories - Multiple category selector was not working properly in User contributions.
·  SmartSearch - Smart search filter web part displayed an extra label.
·  Unicode characters in metadata attributes were incorrectly encoded.
·  Output filter - Excluded paths were ignored for extension-less and custom-extension URLs.
·  Webpart properties - Using the left anchor menu caused design to break.
·  Messaging - There was a problem with sending messages when user's nickname was too long.
·  Viewing attachments was impossible in Internet Explorer in the document version comparison dialog.
·  Minor design issues.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.7 (build no. 3693):
· CMSPersonalizeUserInterface settings key was not in proper settings category after import of a site package from previous versions.
· Media library – If folder name contained an apostrophe, some actions in media library UI and WYSIWYG editor dialogs did not work properly.
· Minor design issues.
· Document tags – Update of child document's tags was executed even when it was not necessary.
· Friends – When a user requested a new friendship and a confirmation message was sent, recipient nickname was not displayed in Outbox.
· URL Path of multilingual documents was not correctly processed in special cases.
· Automatic image resize on upload did not work for custom fields of E-commerce system tables.
· Unsorted attachments were not displayed for multilingual documents if the "Combine with default culture" setting was not set.
· UTF8 special characters were not handled properly in "Insert image or media" and "Insert link" dialogs.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.6 (build no. 3688):
· Blogs - Default template of the "Blog month" document type was not applied when "Blog month" was created automatically.
· Custom tables – CustomTableItem didn't implement the IDataContainer interface.
· PageNotFoundUrl page not always responded with 404 HTTP status code.
· Ecommerce - Product image path was lost after product properties were submitted while having UseMetaFileForProductImage set to true and Product image path set to a non-metafile path.
· On-line users module could throw the "Non-negative number required" exception in special cases.
· Web part properties didn't display the scrollbar properly in case that the WYSIWYG editor was used.
· Media library – An error occurred when renaming media file name to a name which was already used by another media file in the same folder.
· Media library – Deletion of a media library caused exception when you copied its root folder to itself before the deletion.
· Multiple operations - Linking documents between sites wasn't working correctly in specific cases.
· Minor design issues.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.5 (build no. 3681):
· Ecommerce – Customization of the CalculateShipping method in CMSShippingInfoProvider didn't work properly.
· Export Web parts weren't preselected correctly when a user chose to export a site.
· Widgets - Rich text widget - the editor toolbar wasn't displayed properly for different toolbar sets.
· Documents – Exception was thrown in a special case when user deleted document with document permissions.
· Minor design issues.
· Messaging – Friend user selector was using the livesite stylesheet in CMSDesk.
· Media library – Folders with special characters weren't handled correctly when a user renamed or deleted these folders.
· Custom tables – Redundant message was displayed when a user had insufficient permissions in the Tools section.
· Macros defined in “URL redirection” property weren't resolved in navigation controls.
· Page title wasn't encoded correctly after partial postback.
· Tag selector – Selecting a tag by clicking on tag name wasn't possible.
· Media library – Image editor wasn't opened in the Insert image or media dialog.
· Attachments – Field selection form control could throw a javascript error in IE8.
· Staging – UI elements weren't deleted on target server during the synchronization.
· Export objects – Objects weren‟t preselected correctly in Step 2 when you returned from there to Step 1 and then moved back to Step 2 again.
· Groups – Group page didn't have friendly menu caption after group registration.
· Multiple operations – There were problems with listing and tree refreshing when canceling the delete operation.
· Top N property was ignored in web parts with custom queries.
· Groups - Group names with unicode characters weren't processed correctly.

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.4 (build no. 3677):
· TreeProvider – Alias path with special characters wasn't correctly processed.
· CSSListMenu – Menu item with javascript action contained wrong URL.
· Ecommerce – Volume discount dialog didn’t work properly in Internet Explorer.
· Media library – Folder edit control wasn’t displayed properly after unsuccessful validation.
· Media library – “File created by” information changed to N/A for public users.
· Media library – New folder dialog wasn't working properly when Windows authentication was enabled.
· Media library – Creating new media library could throw an exception in case of wrong permissions.
· Newsletters – CSS stylesheets of newsletter templates weren't cached properly.
· Staging/Import/Export – The child objects count wasn't updated correctly for page template, web part and widget categories.
· Media library – Group media library viewer webpart didn’t process site name correctly.
· Recycle bin – Document name path filter wasn't working properly in specific situations.
· Media library – If an error occurred when uploading the file, error message appeared several times.
· Multiple operations - Tree wasn't refreshed correctly after canceling delete operation.
· Web part or page template disappeared from administration interface if category was changed.
· Web parts - User context menu from Members tranformation might cause the ViewState of other controls to be lost

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.3 (build no. 3670 or 3671):
· Staging – UI elements weren't synchronized correctly in special cases.
· Staging – Renaming of media file wasn't synchronized correctly.
· Export to Excel 2007 – An error occurred when opening file with exported GUID data.
· Site with site domain name which is already taken could be started.
· Media library – If the title for a file contained special characters, it caused JavaScript error when trying to select such file and then it was not possible to select any file.
· Media library – Group media library security checkbox had wrong image path on livesite.
· WYSIWYG editor – Tooltip over "Quickly insert image" button didn't work in Firefox.
· WYSIWYG editor dialogs – Inserting path didn't reflect checkbox "Include sub-items".
· Media library – In live site management some icons weren’t set properly.
· Google sitemap - page was not rendered correctly for lastmod element.
· Forums – Notification e-mail with plain text; BB macros weren't resolved correctly.
· WebFarms – In special cases synchronization tasks weren't deleted from task queue.
· Import of page templates could throw an exception in special cases.
· Minor design issues.
· List page and Preview page properties of document type were not reflected.
· Media library – Several design changes for live site.
· Form engine – SQL query that filled a field with values caused an error if it contained characters like "<", ">".
· Field selection form control was not using UniSelector.
· Workflow documents - Selection in grid was not working properly.
· UI personalization - CMS Desk -> Tools -> Blogs section was accessible only to global administrator when UI personalization was enabled

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.2 (build no. 3659):
· The administration UI section in Site Manager wasn't displayed correctly in RTL UI culture.
· Ecommerce – Image selector does not open in the correct configuration.
· Uploader control – The URLs of images of the control weren’t resolved correctly in special cases.
· Media library – New folder dialog used wrong format for new directory in some cases.
· Workflow scopes – Document type selector was opening live site dialog
· UniGrid – Filters do not work properly with diacritics characters.
· Web parts – WMP web part does not work properly in specific cases.
· Web parts – Real media web part was displaying alternative text even when Real player was installed (Firefox, Opera).
· Messaging – User selection dialog was not working properly when Windows authentication was enabled.
· Import/Export – Import of a package from older version to an empty project could cause some system queries to be missing.
· Minor design issues.
· Staging – An error was shown when complete synchronization was performed on the Data tab.
· Content – Document filter in the listing mode didn't work correctly in specific cases.
· Webparts - HeaderTemplate and SeparatorTemplate properties were not working properly in Attachment lightbox gallery.
· Staging - Synchronization of Media library folder copy task wasn't processed correctly.
· Web parts - Cache dependencies form control didn't work correctly

Bugs fixed in hotfix 5.0.1 (build no. 3656):
· StyleSheets - Changing stylesheet to custom cause exception.
· PageTemplates - Action "Save as new template" didn't assign new template to current site.
· MessageBoard - Hiding message board with check permissions property didn't hide content before and content after.
· Tab menu webpart couldn't be added to the page and thrown an exception.
· Installation or site import could fail if default database schema wasn't set to 'dbo'.
· Installation wizard - Object types in tree were not selected correctly in specific situations.
· My desk - Message was missing when user had no checked out documents.
· Grid column designer – minor design issues.
· Search index tasks were improperly logged for export.
· Web part on-line users thrown an exception in some cases.
· Cultures couldn't be added to the site in special cases.

Should you need any help with this hotfix or experience any other issues with it, please feel free to contact us at
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Juraj Ondrus

Hi, I am the Technical support leader at Kentico. I'm here to help you use Kentico and get as much as possible out of it.
