New and Free at the Marketplace: Predictive Search With Image Preview

A web part created by Interesting to enhance the site search functionality
To create a more intuitive search interface, Interesting, a Kentico Gold Partner from Australia, has developed a web part that extends the current Kentico search functionality, adding in predictive search results while the user types their search term. To further enhance the search, Interesting also added the ability to bring in a preview image with the predictive results.


This web part has been configured and styled for the default Kentico Ecommerce site, however, it can be easily customised for any Kentico site. If you would like any assistance in customising it, please feel free to contact Interesting on

The web part is available for free at Kentico Marketplace and at

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Daniela Kubikova

Hi, I am Marketplace Administrator and my posts are about what is new in Kentico Marketplace.
