Kentico Developers Turning into Foresters

41 trees so far – which developer will have to plant the most trees?
Of course, the initial question won’t be answered due to the confidential nature of the information. I can only say that the most 'bug-free' developer has only 5 trees to plant, while the one who 'likes nature the most' has 13 trees on his bill. For this reason, the “How to plant a tree” book is now available in our company library. Well-educated employees make all the difference… ;)

Just yesterday, we chose the place where the trees will be planted together with The Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation. It’s my pleasure to introduce to you the village of Snovídky (population of 355) where the alley of Kentico Trees will be raised! The village is in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic, just about 31 miles (50km) from Kentico headquarters.

The area is currently used as a park/recreational area within the village. Since 2006, the NGO “Šuterňa” has looked after the space to provide a pleasant place for locals and visitors to meet, exercise, rest and play. They welcome our financial and physical support and also committed themselves to taking care of the trees planted by Kentico in the years to come.

We will plant the trees at “Šuterňa” just one week after the deadline of the bug submissions - on Saturday 7th of November. Species of the trees were selected in order to restore the original vegetation in the area.

They are listed in the following table:

Binomial name: Prunus domestica

Slivovice (Plum Brandy), made from the fruits of the tree, is the most common and favorite homemade distillate in the region. It's believed to be a universal medicine covering all illnesess and even injuries.

Wild/Sweet cherry or Gean
Binomial name: Prunus avium

Tradition in the Czech Republic says that a man should kiss his girlfriend/ wife under a blooming cherry tree on the 1th of May. This ensures she stay in good health and that heir love lasts at least for the remainder of the year.

Midland/Woodland hawthorn or Mayflower
Binomial name: Crataegus laevigata

The leaves and fruit of this tree are used in the pharmaceutical industry as they positively affect the heart and blood circulation.

Check the current country standings at the microsite and support yours by reporting a bug!

Villiage of Snovídky and the area at Google Map:

Zvětšit mapu

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Petr Passinger

Petr is the Senior Business Analyst, responsible for the mapping and optimization of the sales funnel and revenue cycle leveraging the Kentico Customer Experience Management solution for online marketing activities.


Petr Passinger commented on

Actually that’s something we didn’t think of in before… Ownership of the fruits isn’t bound by the contract that we signed. I can’t imagine the “bug finders“ to came to CZ for harvest each year ;)

In fact at the moment there is one tree that will be “Romanian” – good for producing tzuica ;)

Marian Andrei commented on

Hey, how do we get a sip of your tzuica (this is the romanian name of home made plum distillate)?