Syndication web parts use different types of transformations which generate correct syndication syntax. This article provides an example of a transformation which displays an image in an RSS feed.
You can see common syndication transformation functions if you type the following URL:
Using the above-referenced methods from the Syndication section, you can create a transformation similar to the following, which is used, for example, by
Blog post RSS feed.
<guid isPermaLink="false"><%# Eval("NodeGUID") %></guid>
<title><%# EvalCDATA("BlogPostTitle") %></title>
<description><%# EvalCDATA("BlogPostSummary") %></description>
<pubDate><%# GetRSSDateTime(Eval("BlogPostDate")) %></pubDate>
<description><![CDATA[<img src="<%# GetAbsoluteUrl("~/getattachment/" + Eval("BlogPostTeaser") +"/test.jpg", Eval("SiteName"))%>" />]]></description>
If you would like to add an image, you can add a <description> tag, and into this tag insert the image code. See the bold part in the example above.