How to use Google or Bing maps in ASPX templates

This article describes how to configure Google and Bing maps web part in ASPX templates.
Here are some examples oh how to connect a basic bing maps control / web part to datasource web part / control. The same approach can be used for google maps (you can use a basic google maps control / web part). You can use the following methods:


Basic Bing WEBPART + Documents data source CONTROL case1 (better performance, faster):

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/Maps/Basic/BasicBingMaps.ascx" TagName="BasicBingMaps" TagPrefix="cms" %>

<cms:CMSDocumentsDataSource runat="server" ID="DocumentsDataSource" Path="/%" ClassNames="" />

<cms:BasicBingMaps runat="server" ID="BingMapsBasic" TransformationName="CMS.Office.Simple"
Scale="2" ZoomScale="5" Latitude="51" Longitude="-30" LatitudeField="OfficeLatitude" LongitudeField="OfficeLongitude"
ToolTipField="OfficeName" MapType="Road" NavigationControlType="0" />

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
  this.BingMapsBasic.DataSourceControl = this.DocumentsDataSource;


Basic Bing WEBPART + Documents data source CONTROL case2 (slower, needs to find the data source control on page):

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/Maps/Basic/BasicBingMaps.ascx" TagName="BasicBingMaps" TagPrefix="cms" %>

<cms:CMSDocumentsDataSource runat="server" ID="DocumentsDataSource" Path="/%" ClassNames="" />
<cms:BasicBingMaps runat="server" DataSourceName="DocumentsDataSource" ID="BingMapsBasic" TransformationName="CMS.Office.Simple"
Scale="2" ZoomScale="5" Latitude="51" Longitude="-30" LatitudeField="OfficeLatitude" LongitudeField="OfficeLongitude"
ToolTipField="OfficeName" MapType="Road" NavigationControlType="0" />


Basic Bing WEBPART + Documents data source WEBPART case1 (better performance, faster):

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/Maps/Basic/BasicBingMaps.ascx" TagName="BasicBingMaps" TagPrefix="cms" %>
<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/DataSources/DocumentsDataSource.ascx" TagName="DocumentsDataSource" TagPrefix="cms" %>

<cms:DocumentsDataSource ID="DocumentsDataSource" runat="server" Path="/%" ClassNames="" />

<cms:BasicBingMaps runat="server" ID="BingMapsBasic" TransformationName="CMS.Office.Simple"
Scale="2" ZoomScale="5" Latitude="51" Longitude="-30" LatitudeField="OfficeLatitude" LongitudeField="OfficeLongitude"
ToolTipField="OfficeName" MapType="Road" NavigationControlType="0" />

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
this.BingMapsBasic.DataSourceName = this.DocumentsDataSource.ClientID;


Basic Bing WEBPART + Documents data source WEBPART case2 (slower, needs to find the data source control on page):

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/Maps/Basic/BasicBingMaps.ascx" TagName="BasicBingMaps" TagPrefix="cms" %>
<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/DataSources/DocumentsDataSource.ascx" TagName="DocumentsDataSource" TagPrefix="cms" %>

<cms:DocumentsDataSource ID="DocumentsDataSource" runat="server" Path="/%" ClassNames="" />

<cms:BasicBingMaps runat="server" DataSourceName="DocumentsDataSource" ID="BingMapsBasic" TransformationName="CMS.Office.Simple"
Scale="2" ZoomScale="5" Latitude="51" Longitude="-30" LatitudeField="OfficeLatitude" LongitudeField="OfficeLongitude"
ToolTipField="OfficeName" MapType="Road" NavigationControlType="0" />


Basic Bing CONTROL + Documents data source CONTROL:
<cms:CMSDocumentsDataSource runat="server" ID="DocumentsDataSource" Path="/%" ClassNames="" />
<cms:BasicBingMaps runat="server" ID="BingMapsBasic" />

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
CMSMapProperties mp = new CMSMapProperties();
mp.LatitudeField = "OfficeLatitude";
mp.LongitudeField = "OfficeLongitude";
mp.Latitude = 0;
mp.Longitude = 0;
mp.MapId = this.BingMapsBasic.ClientID;
//mp.<PROPERTY> ....... etc.

this.BingMapsBasic.MapProperties = mp;
this.BingMapsBasic.MainScriptPath = "~/CMSWebParts/Maps/Basic/BasicBingMaps_files/BingMaps.js";
this.BingMapsBasic.DataSource = this.DocumentsDataSource.DataSource;
this.BingMapsBasic.ItemTemplate = CMSDataProperties.LoadTransformation(this, "", false);

Here is working example for Google maps:

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSWebParts/Maps/Basic/BasicGoogleMaps.ascx" TagName="BasicGoogleMaps" TagPrefix="cms" %>

<cms:CMSDocumentsDataSource runat="server" ID="DocumentsDataSource" Path="/%" ClassNames="" />

<cms:BasicGoogleMaps runat="server" ID="GoogleBasicMapS" TransformationName="CMS.Office.Simple"
Scale="2" ZoomScale="5" Latitude="51" Longitude="-30" LatitudeField="OfficeLatitude" LongitudeField="OfficeLongitude"
ToolTipField="OfficeName" />

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
  this.GoogleBasicMapS.DataSourceControl = this.DocumentsDataSource;

Be aware that a property called with the value Road, i.e.  MapType="Road" works only for Bing maps. Google Maps can have the following values in this property:

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the initial map type.
/// ROADMAP - This map type displays a normal street map.
/// SATELLITE - This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.
/// HYBRID - This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.
/// TERRAIN - This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation.
/// </summary>
public string MapType
return ValidationHelper..GetString(this.GetValue("MapType"), "ROADMAP");
this.SetValue("MapType", value);

The above code is taken from the ~/CMSWebParts/Maps/Basic/BasicGoogleMaps.ascx.cs file.

Individual properties for Google Maps web part are described in the web part guide:

In Kentico CMS 6.0 there are the following data source controls:
  • AttachmentsDataSource
  • CMSQueryDataSource
  • CustomTableDataSource
  • CMSDocumentsDataSource
  • FileSystemDataSource
  • SQLDataSource
  • UsersDataSource
  • WebServiceDataSource
  • XMLDataSource
They are located in the CMS.Controls namespace. Please refer to our API reference.

The purpose of each control should be self-explanatory based on its name. Each control is used by some of the built-in web parts. Here is the documentation describing all web parts and their properties: Web parts documentation.

If you don't think that any of the above would be suitable for your scenario, you could still develop your own custom one, according to the documentation: Developing DataSource web parts.

P.S. Bing maps require a key, so you need to sign in for a developer account as per the instructions that you can see on your Bing map.

See also: GEO mapping

Applies to: Kentico CMS 6.0
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