Does your company have its own autopilot?
I remember only one sentence from Good to Great: “Get the right people on the bus, wrong people off the bus and the right people in the right seats. “ That’s the main idea to be aware of when you are building a team. Successful projects will be more likely those that are innovative or those that solve something in a new, sexier way. It necessarily means that software projects are more of research projects than only development projects.
Ok, I lied a little bit. There are a few other thoughts I remember:-) “Who” and then “what” concept lead us to the Linchpins. Those are the people who are indispensable. As the “Linchpins ratio” grows, your company gets its own autopilot. Basically get the right people and let them do their best. I see that as the only way to get your company going in the right direction. Are you considering your team’s “Linchpins ratio”? If so, you are one the right way.