Check Out Our Demo Store!

I am happy to announce that we have just launched our demo store. I believe it will help all newcomers familiarize themselves with the possibilities of the Kentico E-commerce Solution.

What is our demo store?

Simply put, it's our E-commerce Sample Site running on a public server.

Its primary purpose is to give all newcomers a basic overview of the capabilities of the Kentico E-commerce Solution in the shortest time and in the easiest way, i.e. without any installation or hosted trial requests or emails... just click and explore!

Go To Kentico E-commerce Solution Demo Store

As we would like to avoid unwanted content and changes to the site, the following actions are forbidden:

  • Adding new comments to products
  • Creating orders (the checkout process works)
  • Accessing the administration UI
Here is the link: 

Learn more about our E-commerce Sample Site (a ready-to-use on-line store template with easy customization and optimized layout for mobile devices) and familiarize yourself with the powerful built-in e-commerce features you can offer to your customers immediately!


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Petr Vozak

Technology Partnership Product Owner at Kentico. He works with technology partners to enrich the Kentico product offering and bring greater value to those using our products.


Petr Vozak (Kentico) commented on

@Brenden: Thanks for your feedback! Yes, you can set price adjustments for product options without any problem.

Brenden Kehren commented on

Nicely done! Can prices be modified by options or sizes chosen? For instance if I chose a red shirt vs. a black shirt it might cost $1 more or if I chose XXL vs. M in size, the price might be $5 more?