All the Small Things vol. 1
Oh c'mon, don't tell me you believe we are not working on other things than the big ones from the roadmap. Sure we are. And it's unfair to leave them lying around without proper attention. Nobody puts our tweaks in a corner. #SmallThingsMatter
Google Tag Manager
If you're following me on Twitter, you already know. If you're not, you should. It was a pain in the ass to add Google Tag Manager script into your portal template. The community made the point. Finally, one of the side quests was about implementing a better way to do it.
Email template preview
I will swiftly continue with the next one in the row to keep you hooked on the feeling. When your email template is finally created, and you want to see the outcome you don't have to recreate all the steps to trigger the sending of an email. Just hit the button and see your mail in your Outlook, Gmail, or Papercut if you so desire.
The previous video has one more hidden gem. The "reply to" field which is an email address used as the recipient when replying to the email.
Mass delete users
I suppose this one is self-explanatory. The video will show you everything. Very useful when you're automatically importing tons of users from an external source.
Editors in localization app
Pumped up Forms
It's not all about me dictating what will be done and what will be lost in space and time. We encourage our developers to express themselves with regulated rebellion we call "innovation time". Forms improvements were listed in ideas but got only a few votes. However, there's one rebel intrigued with it. The person you can be thankful to for the clone field functionality and automatic ID generation.
Few honorable mentions
Related pages received subtle improvements. You can define a limit to how many of them can be associated with a page. This comes in handy if your design can handle up to four pages that somehow relate to the specific one but will break with five or more. Asking how? You can set the "Limit of related pages" every time you use "Pages" form control. Another nice touch is the drag and drop support in this "Pages" form control. Another honorable mention goes to the new setting, disabling preview mode on the live site.
I'm not done with the list, but I'm done for today. The sequel is coming. Stay tuned. It's going to be legen...