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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Check-out to file (Visual Studio) View modes: 
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magnus-tenk - 10/25/2012 9:49:21 AM
Check-out to file (Visual Studio)
I am a bit confused about checking out objects to the file system. I am trying to check out a Transformation that I "contain" in a custom Document type. I enabled "Use check-in/check-out for objects" and I can now check out my Transformation, but only within the portal system, not to file as I would like. This was enabled by default when I used the version 6, but seem to be turned off by default in version 7, so the question is. How do I configure version 7 so that I can check out objects for editing in Visual Studio?


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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_janap - 11/1/2012 7:00:03 AM
RE:Check-out to file (Visual Studio)

Kentico CMS 7.0 introduced a different system of team development. Now check-in/check-out function and storing files to the file system are two different things.

Use check-in/check-out for objects option enables you to check out objects ONLY within the portal system (as you have probably figured out already).

For storing virtual objects in the file system, you can use the interface under Site Manager -> Administration -> System -> Virtual objects:
Check the objects you wish to store in FS (in your case Transformations) and click the Apply changes button.

Now you can manage these object's files in any external editor. You will find these files in ~/CMSVirtualFiles folder.

For more information, see the Team development topic in Developer's guide.

Hope this helps,

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 11/3/2012 1:14:27 PM
RE:Check-out to file (Visual Studio)

In additional to what Jana wrote, you can find more info about this topic and new functionality also in this blog post.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik