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cadi2108 - 2/9/2012 7:55:27 AM
Lose images after export and import database

After export database from local server and import on hosting server, all images aren't on hosting server. I's any method to export all data with images?

Best regards.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/10/2012 1:41:22 AM
RE:Lose images after export and import database

What is the exact version number you are using?
Where are the images stored?
What were the options selected during the site export and the site import?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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racquistapace-irenewcorp - 7/30/2012 4:02:13 PM
RE:Lose images after export and import database
I'm having the same issue. I'm using v5.0.3656.

I exported a site from our production server and imported it on a dev machine. Everything worked perfectly.

We made major modifications to the site, enough that we didn't want to import it over the old site. So we exported the site (everything selected) from the Dev machine and imported it to the Production Server to a new site. I used the same import/export options I used when I went from Production to Dev server. All files from the \img folder are missing. The file list is there but when I click on a file it gives an error that the file is missing.

I've tried both selecting and deselecting "Import Files (recommended)" and neither option made a difference.

Is this a known import bug with this version? I really don't have the time to upgrade Kentico to v6, so I'm hoping this is just an easy fix.

Thanks for any help!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/31/2012 1:25:29 AM
RE:Lose images after export and import database

I am not aware of any bugs in this. What were you exact export and import settings? Where are the images stored - on file system or DB? What type of images are you talking about? CMS.File documents, document attachments or media library files?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 8/24/2012 4:34:14 PM
RE:Lose images after export and import database
I have had the same issue. Exported a v6.0.4357 site and left all the defaults selected and also ensured export files was selected.

When I imported, I imported into a fresh install of 6.0.45 SP1 and left defaults selected and ensured to check Import Files (recommended). Import processed without error and website started up without error.

My storage settings are to store files in the file system, generate thumbnails and the file folder was /MCA/Files/. I also have use permenant URLS (which did not import). In my content tree I have a folder called Images>Banners and Images>Home Banners. The Home Banners directory just uses a repeater to display the contents of the directory (and works perfect). The Banners directory is where the header images of the site are stored and linked via Editable Webpart (which all links are broken).

All the images (attachments I guess they would be) were stored in the file system and it looks like most (about 80% of them) were exported/imported, no big deal as I can just copy those physical files. But when I navigate to a forum post that has images attached, the images don't display and give a broken link, even though I can find the physical file in the file system. I did a search in the Forums_Attachment and found the information for the images, just the links are broken.

Images were Forum attachments and cms.file, no media library files. And all the file attachments like PDF, Word, Excel files all exported and imported just fine. Those were in a content tree under Files.

Hope this helps troubleshoot a little more.

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 8/24/2012 4:37:24 PM
RE:Lose images after export and import database
Also forgot to mention the Avatars for the members of the forum are also broken links.

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 8/24/2012 11:46:19 PM
RE:Lose images after export and import database
Well I was able to figure out the forum images. Looks like only some of the forum image attachments were exported for whatever reason. Once I copied the storage folder (/MCA/Files/) to my local running website they all showed up.

So that then lead me to believe if I copied the contents of CMSFiles to my local running website I would then get the avatars to show up, but I was wrong.

Still unsure where the images are in the content tree...

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/29/2012 1:45:50 AM
RE:Lose images after export and import database

That is strange. Could you please send us the export package to our support e-mail address so we can inspect and check whether the files were exported or not to know whether the export or import is failing.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus