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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > Expiring a linked document without expiring the original document View modes: 
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tmartin-wernervas - 12/14/2012 1:53:22 PM
Expiring a linked document without expiring the original document
Is there a way to expire a linked document without expiring the original document? The scenario we have is that we create content in a site and then share it on a news site using the Link an Existing document feature. The linked article would be available on the news site until a specific date and then drop off. The original article would remain available on the site it was created in.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/17/2012 1:03:00 AM
RE:Expiring a linked document without expiring the original document

I am afraid but the linked documents are really linked together. The easiest way would be to create copies of the documents so they will be stand alone and you will be able to edit them separately.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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tmartin-wernervas - 1/3/2013 11:46:47 AM
RE:Expiring a linked document without expiring the original document
We are using a custom document type. If I added a date something like "ExpireLink" to the document could I use a scheduled task to remove all links to the document?

We are also using a Staging server to publish content to the production servers. Can the synchronization from the staging server be automated with a scheduled task?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/3/2013 12:46:52 PM
RE:Expiring a linked document without expiring the original document

Yes, you can create a scheduled task that will go through all the documents and check the dates and then remove those you want to have removed.

Staging - yes, please see the documentation.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus