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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Yammer or Twitter like feed View modes: 
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martinagency - 3/3/2011 7:44:13 PM
Yammer or Twitter like feed
I was curious if anyone has either implemented Yammer (Twitter/Facebook for businessness) or created a Twitter like feed? We would like to create feeds that people can follow/un-follow. I look forward to everyones thoughts.

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martinagency - 3/3/2011 8:33:31 PM
RE:Yammer or Twitter like feed
As a review my options, I always was try to think of ways to repurpose Kentico modules to meet my needs. I'm looking at my options for the forums and how I could customize it to function like Yammer feeds/thread.

- When a user subscribes to a thread is there an easy way to update the text to subscribed and when they hover they can unsubscribe?

- Show who is following in the thread.

- Is their a way to bookmark posts, which I guess could be considered a subscription.

Thanks Kentico followers!

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/23/2011 3:51:39 PM
RE:Yammer or Twitter like feed

Regrettably, we do not have built-in web parts/modules for that. You could download and study Twitter web parts from our marketplace:
My twitter
Tweet me
Twitter feed

You could create a custom web part like this: Developing web parts and develop the custom functionality by yourself.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova