What's Planned for Kentico CMS 4.1

We are now working on version 4.1. Read this post to see what we are improving for you.
The next version 4.1 will be focused on implementing the features that are most required by our clients:
  • New Full-text Search Engine
    • The new full-text search engine will be based on Lucene.NET and it will provide several improvements to the current search engine that is based on SQL queries:
      • Faster search
      • Smarter indexing and search results
      • Search results with ranking based on relevance
      • Document preview in search results 
  • Attachments
    • This is a new concept of files attached to a document. It's similar to the current Upload field, but it will allow you to add multiple files to a single document (such as images in the text, product image gallery, etc.). These files will be bound directly to the document and its lifecycle. So when you delete a document, the files will be deleted, too. When you publish a document, the files will be published, too. It will greatly simplify the way you work with files. This feature is also connected with new dialogs in the WYSIWYG editor (see the next bullet).
  • New dialogs for images, media and links in the WYSIWYG editor
    • The new dialogs will simplify inserting of images and links into the text. They will allow you to insert images, video, flash or YouTube videos. So you will be able to upload and insert files into the text in a few clicks, using a single, unified dialog. 
  • Translation process
    • The new version will allow you to see which language versions are translated and which are outdated. You will also be able to set up workflow on chosen language version only. Also, you will be able to restrict content modifications made by chosen user to particular language versions. It means you will be able to enfore different rules for every translator or every foreign office. These features are only the first phase of the improvements in the translation workflow in Kentico CMS - other features, such as side-by-side translation or translation management will follow in later versions.
If you haven't found the features you requested in the list, don't take it wrong. We organize all requirements and prioritize them based on their popularity. The list consists of 1000+ items, so obviously, we cannot implement them in a single version. Our product strategy for the nearest versions is to focus on improving the existing features rather than adding too many new modules, so we will be able to focus on these requirements and hopefuly implement most of the features that you wished.

The next version release is now planned for August 2009. We will keep you updated on the progress.

P.S.: If you'd like to suggest a new feature, please send a message to support@kentico.com. We always appreciate your feedback!
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Petr Palas

I'm the founder and CEO of Kentico. I write about Kentico, WCM, CXM, digital marketing and related technologies.


Petr Palas commented on

To zhaojicheng: We do not plan to support export to static HTML since Kentico CMS is focused on creating dynamic web sites. If you need to convert your site to a static HTML version (for example for publishing on a CD), you can use some general web site download utility.

Petr Palas commented on

To Tanton: not sure what you mean exactly, but if you create your own table in the database, Kentico CMS doesn't know about them and doesn't include them in the synchronization or import/export. You need to migrate such table manually. The web parts can be imported/exported or synchronized between servers using the Object staging module. If you need any help with that, please contact our support.

Petr Palas commented on

To Alvaro: Yes, we have just released a hotfix 4.0.1 at http://devnet.kentico.com/Bugtracker.aspx that fixes all known (serious) bugs found in version 4.0 so far. Of course, if you upgrade just from 4.0 to 4.1 without using the hotfix, you will also get the bugs fixed.

zhaojicheng-artmtech commented on

which version will support whold site to static html

Tanton commented on

Lucene....we have fixed it into the Kentico,,
we add more than 40 database Table and more than 50 webpart ,but they can`t be exported easily because they are not created by kentico ,so we have to copy the whole site files and database,I think we must be crazy and we havn`t find the right way to develop,time kill us

magnus commented on

Sounds just great... Realy looking forward to the uservoice.com concept

Svarga commented on

wow, interesting, thanks!

Alvaro Carrillo commented on

Congratulations again. I am sure that these new features help us with our projects.
Will ye make an update with all the hotfixes?

Petr Palas commented on

Thank you for your feedback and suggestion. We plan to implement the uservoice.com-style user suggestions to Kentico DevNet in the near future. We also plan to add such feature in one of the next versions of Kentico CMS as a part of our social networking feature set.

LuPo commented on

Fantastic! 4.1 maybe ready for my birthday ... I like most the attechment improvment ...

Anyway, just a question ... can we see the list of 1000+ items and vote on them ?
(only registred customer of course, in a uservoice .com style)

Elijah Taylor commented on

This sounds great, thank you!