• Change domain on license key
    Question May 3, 2024
    We have two lifetime licenses for Kentico 11, one of which we need to change to a new domain. How do we do this?

  • Given license is in wrong format
    Question Dec 29, 2023
    When I tried to add a new license, it said "Given license is in wrong format". I just copied and pasted the key from the client portal and double-checked there were no spaces and with the correct version number. (Using 13.0)

  • Kentico License Key
    Question Aug 19, 2022
    Hi All, We are going to move our CMS into another server with new settings and IP. Do we need to request for a new license key or we can use the same one? We're using MVC for our CMS. If we need a new license key, can you provide that to us? Thank you, Kyle

  • Content staging feature license
    Question Jul 19, 2022
    hi all, We originally bought Kentico 11 Ultimate license. We'd like to use the Xperience 13 with this ultimate license, I want to know whether the content staging feature is supported by the Ultimate license? If not, Could you share some experience on how to sync content betwe...

  • Minor upgrades and expired license
    Question Oct 26, 2022
    Hi, Our Kentico 13 maintenance license expired few weeks ago. Unfortunately, this type of license does not exist anymore and we won't be able to renew it due to the change of licensing model. When the license expired, we were using the hotfix 13.0.79. According to the page:...

  • extending license for Kentico 13 trial
    Question Jun 14, 2022
    Hello: I downloaded the trial for Kentico 13 but unfortunately I had to pivot to another project to check it out and now the license has expired. I tried to extend the license by downloading Xperience_13_Refresh6_trial but it just seemed to install another Kentico website pa...

  • Update Expiry date on existing sites license post subscription renewal
    Question Aug 1, 2022
    hi our Kentico subscription got renewed last week, but our existing site's licenses did not get automictically updated to new expiry date of 2023.Can you help me understand how the existing site licenses get updated basis subscription renewal? thanks ruchika

  • Does archiving a license free up for a new license
    Question Apr 8, 2021
    We purchased a 10 licenses package, however over time, our IT dept has changed our internal IP address range a couple times. Each time I create a new license based on the new IP range. If I archive the old unused IP address, does that free up a license so it can be used aga...

  • Kentico 11 trial license
    Question Aug 7, 2020
    Hi, I see that the trial license (downloaded for my local development/learning) is valid only for 14 days, is there a way to extend the license?

  • Developing for Ultimate license
    Question Aug 4, 2015
    About to start our first Kentico site and are wondering how we can put a localhost development site in "Ultimate" license mode so we don't inadvertently use EMS features. Thanks Dave

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