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CMS.MacroEngine Namespace
Public classConvertNamespace
Wrapper class to provide basic conversion namespace in the MacroEngine.
Public classCustomMacroContainer
Object encapsulating custom macro resolving as ISimpleDataContainer.
Public classDataContainerCollection
Collection of the IDataContainers behaving like IDataContainer.
Public classDateTimeContainer
Object encapsulating DateTime objects to be accessible via macro engine.
Public classDateTimeNamespace
Wrapper class to provide basic DateTime namespace in the MacroEngine.
Public classDebugContainer
Container for debugging object within macro engine. Reports all variables and properties
Public classDebugNamespace
Class to provide debug namespace in the MacroEngine.
Public classDictionaryContainer
Container to wrap the IDictionary[string, object] structure
Public classEnumsNamespace
Wrapper class to provide enumerations namespace in the MacroEngine.
Public classEvaluationContext
Context for macro expression evaluation. Reflects resolver settings and inline macro parameters.
Public classEvaluationException
Exception used when evaluation could not proceed (wrong types, etc.).
Public classEvaluationResult
Context for macro expression evaluation.
Public classEvaluationTimeoutException
Exception used when evaluation of the expression took to long (longer than the specified timeout threshold).
Public classExpressionEvaluator
Class used for MacroExpression evaluation.
Public classFlattenEnumerable
Public classLexicalAnalysisException
Class for the exception during the lexical analysis of a K# macro expression.
Public classMacroContext
Macro resolving context
Public classMacroDebug
Class providing debug capabilities of macro engine.
Public classMacroElement
Macro expression element. Lexical analysis of the K# expression.
Public classMacroEventArgs
Macro event arguments
Public classMacroException
Base for the exceptions thrown during the macro resolving process.
Public classMacroExpression
Macro expression - represents a syntactic tree of the macro expression.
Public classMacroExtension
Base class for MacroField and MacroMethod.
Public classMacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension
Wrapper class to provide extensions to an arbitrary object. It is a base class for ExtensionTypeContainer and MacroFieldContainer classes.
Public classMacroField
Wrapper for any macro data field (source).
Public classMacroFieldContainer
Container for field extensions of an arbitrary object used by MacroEngine.
Public classMacroMethod
Macro method object.
Public classMacroMethodAttribute
Adds action to the page.
Public classMacroMethodContainer
Container for method extensions of an arbitrary object used by MacroEngine.
Public classMacroMethodParam
Macro method parameter object.
Public classMacroMethodParamAttribute
Adds action to the page.
Public classMacroMethods
Macro methods.
Public classMacroModule
Represents the Macro module.
Public classMacroModuleMetadata
Represents the Macro module metadata.
Public classMacroNamespaceTNamespace
Base class for macro namespaces.
Public classMacroProcessingContext
Context for macro processing (context for parsing the text for macro expressions).
Public classMacroProcessor
Class providing general macro processing methods.
Public classMacroResolver
Class to resolve the macros, provides data to the resolving process.
Public classMacroResolverStorage
Global storage of static resolvers for all modules. Extend this to store your module's resolver to be globally available (in e-mail templates, macro components, etc.)
Public classMacroRuleInfo
MacroRuleInfo data container class.
Public classMacroRuleInfoProvider
Class providing MacroRuleInfo management.
Public classMacroRuleParameter
Represents a parameter in macro rule.
Public classMacroRuleTree
Represents a structure of of boolean expressions.
Public classMacroSecurityEventArgs
OnCheckObjectPermissions event arguments.
Public classMacroSecurityProcessor
Class providing general macro security parameters processing.
Public classMacroSettings
MacroSettings class specifies basic features of a MacroResolver.
Public classMacroStaticSettings
Class providing static settings of MacroEngine.
Public classMathNamespace
Wrapper class to provide System.Math namespace in the MacroEngine.
Public classMethodNotFoundException
Base for the exceptions thrown when method which does not exist was tried to be executed.
Public classNamedDataContainer
Named data container (Data container with prefix).
Public classObjectAttachmentsNamespace
Wrapper class to provide names of the object attachment categories to the MacroEngine.
Public classParsingException
Base for the exceptions thrown during the macro resolving process.
Public classPathMacroContainer
Object encapsulating path macro resolving as ISimpleDataContainer.
Public classReadOnlyMacroObjectWrapperTObject
Wrapper for read-only version of the hierarchical object.
Public classRegisterMacroNamespaceAttribute
Registers a macro namespace within the macro engine
Public classResolveExpressionSettings
Class containing settings for macro expression resolving process.
Public classResolverDefinition
Base class for module resolver definitions.
Public classStringNamespace
Wrapper class to provide static string namespace in the MacroEngine.
Public classSyntacticAnalysisException
Class for the exception during the syntactic analysis of a K# macro expression.
Public classSystemNamespace
Wrapper class to provide basic system namespace in the MacroEngine.
Public classTimeSpanContainer
Object encapsulating TimeSpan objects to be accessible via macro engine.
Public classUtilNamespace
Wrapper class to provide util namespace in the MacroEngine.
Public interfaceIMacroInvisible
Interface for marking the objects which should not be visible in the macro IntelliSense, but should be evaluated.
Public interfaceIMacroNamespace
Interface for marking the namespace objects.
Public interfaceIMacroResolver
Interface for resolver objects.
Public enumerationElementType
Element type.
Public enumerationExpressionType
Expression type.
Protected enumerationMacroElementStatus
Status of the parser.