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MacroStaticSettings Class
Class providing static settings of MacroEngine.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.MacroEngine
Assembly: CMS.MacroEngine (in CMS.MacroEngine.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public static class MacroStaticSettings

The MacroStaticSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAllowContextMacros
Allow context macro resolving?
Public propertyStatic memberAllowCookieMacros
Allow cookie macro resolving?
Public propertyStatic memberAllowCustomMacros
Allow custom macro resolving?
Public propertyStatic memberAllowDataMacros
Allow data macro resolving?
Public propertyStatic memberAllowLocalizationMacros
Allow localization macro resolving?
Public propertyStatic memberAllowMacros
Allow macro resolving?
Public propertyStatic memberAllowOnlySimpleMacros
If true, only simple macros (those which don't need security check) are allowed, all others won't be resolved. If true, CMSTextBox does not add security parameters to macros.
Public propertyStatic memberAllowQueryMacros
Allow query macro resolving?
Public propertyStatic memberAllowSpecialMacros
Allow special macro resolving?
Public propertyStatic memberCaseSensitiveComparison
Determines whether the string comparison in macros is case sensitive (unless the |(casesensitive) parameter is used.). Reflects global setting CMSMacrosCaseSensitiveComparison from web.config.
Public propertyStatic memberDisableParameters
If true, macro parameters are ignored and not processed (CMSDisableMacroParameters web.config key is reflected), false by default.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxMacroNodes
Determines how many properties can be displayed in AutoCompletion and MacroTree controls. Reflects global setting CMSMaxMacroNodes from web.config.
See Also