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MacroRuleTree Class
Represents a structure of of boolean expressions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.MacroEngine
Assembly: CMS.MacroEngine (in CMS.MacroEngine.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class MacroRuleTree

The MacroRuleTree type exposes the following members.

Public methodMacroRuleTree
Public propertyHasPreviousSibling
Returns true if group has a previous sibling node.
Public propertyChildren
Gets or sets the child rules.
Public propertyIDPath
Returns IDPath of the group.
Public propertyIsLeaf
Returns true if group is a leaf (expression).
Public propertyLevel
Returns level of the group.
Public propertyOperator
Gets or sets operator of the rule.
Public propertyParameters
Gets or sets the parameters of the rule (null for internal nodes).
Public propertyParent
Gets or sets the parent.
Public propertyPosition
Gets or sets the relative position of the rule within the parent group.
Public propertyRuleCondition
Gets or sets the associated rule K# condition.
Public propertyRuleName
Gets or sets the associated rule name.
Public propertyRuleParameters
Gets or sets the associated rule parameters xml definition.
Public propertyRuleText
Gets or sets the associated rule text.
Public methodAccept
Accepts an action that gets executed on the whole tree structure.
Public methodAddRule
Adds a new rule as a child of current node. Inserts the rule to the specified position.
Public methodAutoIndent
Performs the autoindentation of the expression (according to priority of 'or' and 'and' operators).
Public methodGetCondition
Returns the condition in K# representing this rule.
Public methodStatic memberGetParameterText
Processes the text of parameter (handles multivalue parameters separated with new line).
Public methodGetRoot
Returns the root of the rule tree.
Public methodStatic memberGetRuleCondition
Returns rule as a human readable sentence. If the expression is Rule(...) method than it uses XML for the rule, otherwise returns expression as it is.
Public methodStatic memberGetRuleText(MacroRuleTree, Boolean, FuncObject, Object)
Returns rule as a human readable sentence.
Public methodStatic memberGetRuleText(String, Boolean, Boolean, FuncObject, Object)
Returns rule as a human readable sentence. If the expression is Rule(...) method than it uses XML for the rule, otherwise returns expression as it is.
Public methodGetXML
Returns xml of the rule designer (to store the layout and parameters).
Protected methodGetXMLInternal
Returns xml of the rule designer (to store the layout and parameters).
Public methodIndent
Indents the node with one level.
Public methodLoadFromXml
Loads MacroRuleTree from xml definition.
Public methodMoveNode
Moves the group to given location.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveBrackets
Removes brackets which are not needed.
Public methodRemoveNode(Int32)
Adds given group as a new child.
Public methodRemoveNode(Int32, Boolean)
Adds given group as a new child.
Public methodResetPositions
Sets correct positions according to current state.
Public methodSetParameterValue
Sets the parameter value.
Public methodUnindent
Unindents the node with one level.
Public methodValidateParameters
Returns list of rules which contain required parameters with empty value.
See Also