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MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension Class
Wrapper class to provide extensions to an arbitrary object. It is a base class for ExtensionTypeContainer and MacroFieldContainer classes.
Inheritance Hierarchy
  CMS.MacroEngineMacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension

Namespace: CMS.MacroEngine
Assembly: CMS.MacroEngine (in CMS.MacroEngine.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class MacroExtensionContainer<TContainer, TExtension>
where TContainer : new(), MacroExtensionContainer<TContainer, TExtension>
where TExtension : MacroExtension

Type Parameters


The MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyExtensions
Extensions dictionary
Protected propertyStatic memberInstance
Container instance
Protected propertyRegisteredExtensionNames
Returns enumerable of all registered Extension names.
Protected propertyRegisteredExtensions
Returns enumerable of all Extensions.
Protected methodGetExtension(String)
Returns a Extension of given name (return null if specified Extension does not exist).
Protected methodGetExtension(Type, String)
Returns the extension by type and name. Does not cache the result. Does not cache the result.
Protected methodStatic memberGetExtensionForObject
Returns macro extension object of given name if registered for specified object. Caches the result in the internal cache. It loops through all extensions of given object type. Returns null if there is no such extension for given object.
Protected methodGetExtensions
Gets the extensions for the given type. Does not cache the result.
Protected methodStatic memberGetExtensionsForObject
Returns list of macro extension registered for specified object. Caches the result in the internal cache. Returns null if there is no such extension for given object.
Protected methodStatic memberCheckGlobalAdmin
Checks if the current context user is global admin, returns true if so, otherwise returns false
Protected methodRegisterExtension
Registers a Extension to the container.
Protected methodRegisterExtensions
Registers extensions to the container. Override this to call RegisterExtension from within.
See Also