• RE:Documentation is insufficient and inappropriate
    Forum Post Jun 14, 2009
    I will read it. Also your search function in DevNet is pretty useless. Returns pages and pages of the exact same results no matter what I type in the search box. I'm on my 4th Kentico site, we are about to purchase our 3rd license and I am still strugging with issues that I f...

  • Web farm Synchronization
    Forum Post Jun 18, 2009
    We need to deploy a web farm which includes 1. 2 web servers( 2 kentico installation) 2. 2 database servers This system will service a website and its subdomains. For eg: www.mydomain.com, abc.mydomain.com, xyz.mydomain.com All the content and the settings are to be r...

  • ORDER BY expression / KenticoCMS v3.1
    Forum Post Jul 31, 2009
    I am using both a tree menu and a repeater on the same page. The tree menu displays a link to the sub pages by title and the repeater is using the transformation CMS.MenuItem.ProductList. See https://www.cortechsolutions.com/Products/Tools-and-utilities.aspx for details. ...

  • RE:Upgrade from Free to...
    Forum Post Sep 16, 2009
    Hi, You can compare Kentico CMS version using following feature matrix: http://www.kentico.com/cms-asp-net-features/Feature-Matrix.aspx Kentico CMS license prices can be found on following page: http://www.kentico.com/Buy.aspx Regarding your un-publish question,...

  • RE:Cannot open database "KenticoCMS"
    Forum Post Oct 5, 2009
    Hello. What error message are you receiving during an attempt to open Site Manager? The same as in your first post or a different one? As for Kentico CMS deployment, have you followed appropriate instructions in http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html -> Installa...

  • Installation Error
    Forum Post Nov 5, 2009
    We download Kentico CMS v4.1 from http://www.kentico.com Then install it and set on our local IIS and get free license key from http://www.kentico.com then we create site locally successfully. After that we upload Whole setup to to our client server using FTP.It run successf...

  • RE:html5 input types
    Forum Post Sep 22, 2010
    I've decided to open source my project. The full source of my HTML5ASP controls are now on SSource code for controls. This one is the Just the binary. This includes canvas, inputs for tel, url, range, color, etc, email links, map links, and phone links. I'd love to hear b...

  • RE:Upgrade from 5.0 .NET 3.5 to 5.5 .NET 4.0
    Forum Post Nov 9, 2010
    Hello, If you have a license for the 5.x version you don't need any other licenses. It works also for the 5.5 version. The best way would be to install a fresh 4.0 .NET copy of Kentico 5.5. Now upgrade your sites to Kentico 5.5 (with the old .NET version 2.0 or 3.5). No...

  • RE:alfanumeric characters in password only
    Forum Post Dec 20, 2010
    Hello, We are using the standard .Net password generator. However, this method is used in the source code, so without a source code license it isn't that easy to change this behavior. But you can modify the code of the logon web part. You can customize the btnPasswdRetrieva...

  • RE:Product Option as a %
    Forum Post Feb 16, 2011
    Hi, Currently, the ecommerce module is designed so that product options store relative price difference in currency units. This value is then used in ProductOptionSelector controls and checkout process controls (in ~\CMSModules\Ecommerce\Controls\ShoppingCart\ folder, mo...

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