• RE:Re-occurence of old bug? : Multiple Categories Selector Validation
    Forum Post Oct 31, 2013
    Hi, I have confirmation from our developers that this is a bug, they are working on fixing the issue, it should be fixed in next hotfix. Please as a possible workaround do not set minLenght validation property, if it is possible. Best Regards, Roman Konicek

  • RE:Exception in GetFile.aspx
    Forum Post Jan 3, 2014
    Hello Zakhar, Could you please tell me which exact version of Kentico are you running at the moment? There was a bug related to this behavior in version 7, so please apply the latest hotfix as first and let us know if the issue will still persist. Best regards, Martin D...

  • RE:Duplicate Customer error on registration check step?
    Forum Post Jan 24, 2014
    Hello Matt, I wasn't able to reproduce this issue running Kentico 7.70, so I would recommend you to apply the latest hotfix. Best Regards, Martin Danko

  • RE:Calendar Form Control
    Forum Post Feb 12, 2014
    Hi Kyle, this won't be fixed in a hotfix and let me inform you that version 8 shouldl be released in 6-7 weeks. So you can not expect any changes sooner than that. Best Regards, Martin Danko

  • RE:Custom Index
    Forum Post Feb 22, 2014
    Hi, Could you please apply the hotfix number 44, there was a bug when the "Subset" index analyzer didn't work correctly for words containing special characters, including '-' (minus sign). I believe this will solve the issue. Best Regards, Roman Konicek

  • Recaptcha Field Form
    Question Feb 13, 2019
    Hello Support i create a form contact us and with reCaptcha Field i generate the site key ans secret key but i still get this error i use kentico 11 [Image](https://prnt.sc/mkgxuo)

  • Increase length of the node alias field
    Question May 27, 2015
    This works for versions 8.x? https://devnet.kentico.com/articles/increasing-the-length-of-the-nodealias Is possible that a hotfix replace this adjustment? Thanks!

  • Masterpage tab not showing
    Forum Post Apr 13, 2011
    Kentico 5.0 Hotfix 5.0.2 I created a masterpage on my site in portal engine but the "MasterPage" tab is not showing. I verified that administrator had the role CMS Desk Administrator and that in it was autorized in permissions (also in modules) but it still isn't showing....

  • RE:XmlDataSource
    Forum Post May 2, 2011
    Hello, Thanks for additional info about possible solutions. We have addressed this issue with colons in xml tags within the hotfix 5.5R2.11 - for 5.5 R2 version. After applying the Hotfix, there will appear new XMLDataSource web party property "XML custom XSD schema...

  • RE:Hotfix 5.5R2.24 breaks Master To Master template inheritance
    Forum Post Jun 2, 2011
    Hello, I tried to reproduce this scenario and I could see you are right - it behaves the way you described in with the latest hotfix. Therefore, I've consulted it with our developer and I was assured that this was kind of incorrect behavior and has been fixed. I mean, the m...

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