• RE:5.5R2 -> 6.0 Upgrade problems with images
    Forum Post Jan 18, 2012
    Hi, could you please try this setting mentioned in this thread? Best regards, Juraj Ondrus

  • RE:GetDocumentURL(id) and GetAttachmentUrl add to link additional tilda ('~')
    Forum Post Feb 6, 2012
    For me it makes difference. For example, if document url get url /text.aspx and my site is http://www.home.example.com, I have result http://www.home.example.com/~/text.aspx and I need http://www.home.example.com/text.aspx Before upgrade my links worked correctly.

  • RE:MessageBoard QueryRepeater ajax postback
    Forum Post Mar 12, 2012
    Hello, Regrettably, bugs are always fixed only in the current version, so, you will need to upgrade to Kentico CMS 6.0 and apply the latest hotfix. Best regards, Michal Legen

  • RE:MessageBoard QueryRepeater ajax postback
    Forum Post Mar 12, 2012
    Hello, Regrettably, you would need to have the full source code of Kentico CMS to fix this issue. So, please consider to upgrade to Kentico CMS 6.0. Best regards, Michal Legen

  • RE:Security on pdf files
    Forum Post Mar 27, 2012
    Hi, Have you considered the upgrade to a newer version of Kentico CMS? Regrettably, in version 3.x there was a bug with the direct links to the secured files. It was already fixed in newer versions. I am sorry for this inconvenience. Best regards, Juraj Ondrus

  • RE:'CMS.SiteProvider.UICultureInfoProvider'
    Forum Post Apr 2, 2012
    Hello. Is this fresh KCMS 6.0 instance, or was there any change related to binaries, like upgrade, hotfix application and so? Can you try to rebuild the site? Thank you. Best Regards, Radek Macalik

  • RE:Chrome - The web site doesn't contain any content
    Forum Post Apr 16, 2012
    Hi, thanks for the reply. Would version 5 work with chrome? We were given an option to upgrade earlier this year so I might take up the offer. Steffan

  • CMSHelper error after upgrade from 5.5r2 to 6
    Forum Post Jun 1, 2012
    After upgrading to 6 I am getting an error CMSContext.GetCurrentSite() not found. I am using this to get the site in the email handler and add the site name to the email. Is there a replacement for this method under the new CMSHelper?

  • RE:BizForms Submit Redirect to relative path
    Forum Post Jun 6, 2012
    Hello, Yes, after you upgrade your Kentico CMS to version 6.0, please apply the approach I posted here in my first reply. Best regards, Jan Hermann

  • RE:Problem after upgrade to 6 from 5.5 r2
    Forum Post Jun 11, 2012
    Hi, DataRow was removed in version 6. I am sorry for this inconvenience. You need to use GetValue("columnName") or GetProperty("columnName") methods instead. Best regards, Juraj Ondrus

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