• Encountering a - initializeInlineEditors, error upon opening a Page with a text widget
    Question Jan 16, 2020
    Hey Guys, We are having issues when opening a page on the CMS that has a text widget in it throws this JS error (from the builder.js) > TypeError: t.subscribe is not a function > at Object.init (scripts=7OqP2OcWgsYvtNiOlcMF91opBP7DhuI0hj1jgcuj42c1&uh=01cc7f578c985a9b931b...

  • Redis Cache / NuGet issue
    Question May 31, 2020
    Hi, I have a solution which includes the CMS site and MVC site. I have followed the [instructions](https://docs.kentico.com/k12sp/deploying-websites/running-kentico-on-microsoft-azure/storing-session-state-data-in-an-azure-environment) to install the Microsoft.Web.RedisSessio...

  • Kentico Form Email not having uploaded attachment
    Question Jun 29, 2020
    Hi, We have a form created in Kentico 12 hotfix version 43 MVC, which allows user to upload the file. After Form submission, we can see the entry in the recorded Data and can also preview the file uploaded. But same attachment is missing in the email. In email it comes as *...

  • Kentico + React
    Question Jan 27, 2021
    Does anyone know a good documentation from Kentico on how to have an MVC 12 site and create widgets with react?

  • MVC and web application project support
    Forum Post Feb 28, 2008
    Hi, I am extending a web site based on Kentico. I want to write the new functionality/pages using the asp.net MVC extensions framework. These pages will not interact with Kentico (and if they do need to in future I will cross that bridge when I come to it!). My question ...

  • Handling form events, Cannot be triggered by events that insert into Form.
    Question Apr 21, 2020
    Hi, Please someone please help me ---------- - I am using kentico 12 - MVC - I want to trigger the event insert into form + I followed this docs but it didn't work + https://docs.kentico.com/k12/custom-development/working-with-form-data-using-the-api#Workingwithformd...

  • Kentico 12 - error message saving page content
    Question Nov 28, 2018
    Hello, after the installation of Kentico 12 (MVC - DancingGoat) i'm getting the following error message if i click on the "save" button (Page Tab). ***Message received from forbidden origin: http://localhost:8080.*** Can anyone help?

  • CustomTable Global event handler
    Question Mar 12, 2019
    I have implemented event handler for our bizforms , they all work perfectly well but I am still having issue with the custom tables see my code below and advise.Are the implementation for custom tables different from bizforms? It is suppose to update our CRM system. [assem...

  • kentico 12 media picker in widget
    Question Mar 26, 2019
    Hi All, We have to develop a custom image picker control which can pick and upload image into media folder. Is it something achievable or we can develop for MVC widget? Currently we have already developed a custom image uploader however client want to pick the image from medi...

  • How to upload and save image from kentico widget?
    Question Feb 28, 2019
    i'm new to kentico mvc, i want to know about how can i create a widget to image upload in page builder? can anyone share a sample code for image widget? any help will be highly appreciated... thanks

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