• Kentico.Forms.Web.Mvc.ValidationRule.Validate called twice on form submit
    Question May 28, 2021
    Hi everyone! I am having some difficulties utilizing a custom validation rule. So far I have successfully managed to create a custom rule. Surprisingly it gets **called twice** on form submit. It seems, that my form state gets missing on the second call which makes it difficu...

  • how to create widgets with custom controller
    Question Jul 6, 2021
    Hi, I am using kentico 13 free edition to develop simple site. To create this simple site, I need to add reusable components with editable options. I gone through the official kentico tutorial document for basic understanding about basic widgets and widgets with custom contro...

  • Add Nonce or Hash Id to inline script and inline style tags created by Kentico components.
    Question Jan 28, 2021
    Hi, I have developed an MVC website using Kentico 12SP version. I need to enable Content-Security-Policy(CSP) script-src and style-src directives using the nonce id or hash algorithm option, so as to block the cross-scripting security issue. All the inline script tags and inli...

  • Web analytic doesn't work in Kentico 12
    Question May 5, 2021
    Hello, I've checked settings for web analytic (Settings -> Online marketing) and there is enabled, but none of the graphs show anything. I guess it worked before but at some point it stopped working. I don't know why because I've just joined to the project and I've never work...

  • Unable to cast object of type 'CMS.CustomTables.CustomTableItem' to type
    Question Dec 8, 2015
    Hi, I have a project which is recently upgraded from version 8.2 to version 9.0. I find that on a particular api has thrown some exception. I have created a new custom table and using code generator to create a class for that custom table. Then I call an api to retrieve the ...

  • Bizform Field Order
    Question May 23, 2018
    How can I get the order of the fields created through the Forms application via the API? I'm using this to pull the info: `BizFormInfoProvider.GetBizFormInfo("TestForm", "Sologic")` But it doesn't seem to have any field order data associated with it. Ideally the users could ...

  • Resuable Widget for kentico 12
    Question Feb 1, 2019
    Hi All, Is there a way to develop a reusable widget in kentico 12 with MVC development. Reusable widget means including content and want to share with other pages without having content entry one more time.

  • Pages Created on Backend CMS should reflect to live Frontend Site through API
    Question Apr 12, 2019
    Hello, I am using Kentico MVC Development model. The issue is the pages I created a page the page alias and the page itself should reflect on my live site. Suppose. Back-end CMS Kentico (Page Type Tabbed Page Content) ---------- I have a page created in back-end as About U...

  • What is the efficient way to implement search for complete site?
    Question Jul 3, 2019
    I have created a site in kentico12 mvc, i want to implement search for whole site, please suggest what is the efficient way to search a keyword from whole site (each page)... any help will be highly appreciated thanks

  • kentico 12 content personiliazation
    Question Sep 10, 2019
    Hi all, We have to check user whether already been subscribed or not. If user has been already subscribed, we need to hide the subscribe form widget. We still cannot find out how to check which user has been subscribed. Is there any sample code for that?

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