• Web Analytics - Daily Page Views Problem
    Question May 12, 2015
    When calling in Web Analytics the Page Views Analysis, the graph for daily page views gives an error and does not appear. The event log shows the error: Must declare the scalar variable "@ToDaySecond". Stack Trace: at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractDataConnection.HandleError(String...

  • Upgrading Kentico from version 7 to 8
    Question Jul 18, 2016
    Hi Folks, Hope all fine, I have a query on upgrading kentico from version 7 to version 8, I have been following some of the online documentation available but this is most cumbersome process by any yardstick, given the risk it involves, be it loosing configurations, etc. ...

  • RE:Transformation Error after upgrade
    Forum Post Dec 12, 2012
    Sorry but those do not help as my collation is already properly set. I was able to get that error message to go away by executing the following: update CMS_Query set QueryText = 'UPDATE CMS_Transformation SET = @TransformationName, = @TransformationCode, = @Tra...

  • RE:Web Farm - Enabled, but servers can't see one another
    Forum Post Dec 6, 2013
    I have "Generate servers dynamically" turned on in the CMS. The documentation tells me that it shouldn't be necessary to have a web.config setting if I have that turned on. I have defined the machine keys. I am using an azure-based load balancer, but I'm not sure how th...

  • Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred
    Forum Post Jan 3, 2014
    Hi, please see the Stack Trace : [SqlException (0x80131904): Warning: Fatal error 9001 occurred at Jan 3 2014 5:03PM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator.] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakCo...

  • Macro visibility signature
    Question Oct 11, 2017
    I've added new functionality to an existing module to show a new tab on the Pages application using the following macro. The following is added to Modules -> Interface -> (choose a page) -> Element Restrictions -> Visibility condition: System.GetObject("cms.node",Convert.ToInt...

  • Kentico 6 imports website
    Question Jul 8, 2014
    Hello Support, When importing kentico version 6 website getting following error ERROR: Error importing document '/BottomLinks/Site-map' Message: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: INSERT INTO CMS_Tree ([NodeAliasPath], [NodeName], [NodeAlias], [NodeClassID], [NodePare...

  • Error during site import
    Forum Post Nov 29, 2013
    Hi, I've tried to import a website (transfer from one installation of Kentico 6.23 to another) and keep having a following error. Could you please let me know where could be a problem? I need to import this site pretty urgently- I don't care about configuration, users et...

  • How to stop an email from being sent when a macro errors?
    Question Dec 17, 2015
    Hi, We are using the marketing automation and sending out emails. Sometimes one of the macro expressions inside the email template fail, and the email is sent, but a portion of the body is blank. Is there a way to detect a failed macro and abort sending the email? Thanks

  • Custom field not displaying using macro as default value
    Question Sep 8, 2017
    When I'm creating new content-only page, I want to set default value of one field based on value from other field. ![Image Text](https://image.ibb.co/frNjda/1.png) I have the following macro for my AltText field ![Image Text](https://image.ibb.co/gA4QjF/2.png) Macro edi...

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