• Personal WebParts don't work in Kentico 8
    Question Jul 28, 2015
    Hi, We upgraded from 7.0.103 to 8.0.21 last week and since this moment, none of the WebPArts I created are working (error loading the WebPart ... of type ...). I also get an error message in the shopping cart (function GetImageDocument not defined !). What can I do to solve...

  • Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'CMSAppBase' does not exist in the current context
    Question Nov 24, 2015
    After upgrade to Kentico 8, I got following errors Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS01...

  • Deprecated/Unlisted NuGet Package Rx-Main
    Question Nov 18, 2019
    As listed [here](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Rx-Main/) it states the package is unlisted. I think an unrelated issue is causing the connection to fail (half the time; some packages successfully upgrade during the Upgrade/Hotfix); however, once I finish the automated instal...

  • Re: REQ: Groups (for CommunityServer support)
    Forum Post Apr 8, 2005
    Hi Wiebe, I'm sorry for the delay. Thank you for your suggestion. We will sure consider it for some major upgrade. We have removed the "Future Version Requests" forum together with other 1.0 Beta forums. I will create a new one instead. Best Regards,

  • Re: CMSDesk UI javascript problems
    Forum Post Aug 12, 2005
    OK. I am upgrading to version 1.7 today and so far it looks better. I will see if all the issues are solved when I upgrade all environments. (Part of the problem was that one machine had javascript disabled) Janusz

  • Re: IE 7 Beta 1 CMS Menu Hard Error
    Forum Post Sep 17, 2005
    Hi Keith, Thank you for your message. We have fixed this issue in version 1.7a (now available for download, the upgrade procedure will be available soon). Best Regards,

  • Re: Upgrade Kentico CMS 1.5 to 1.8
    Forum Post Jan 3, 2006
    Thank you for your post. Unfortunately, we provide sooner upgrades only to our customers. If you're starting a new project, please use version 1.8. Best Regards,

  • Re: how to make page load faster?
    Forum Post Feb 13, 2006
    found it in web.config <add key="CMSCacheMinutes" value="0" /> <add key="CMSCachePageInfoMinutes" value="0" /> what is the best setting? its a business website (information) so it does not upgrade very often.

  • Re: Create permission denied from Site Tab - when document level permissions employed (Version 1.6b)
    Forum Post Nov 17, 2005
    Hello, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. Actually, this is a bug that was fixed in version 1.7. So after you upgrade to a newer version, it should work correctly. Best Regards,

  • Re: BizForms auto email
    Forum Post Feb 19, 2006
    Yes yes, without taking the time to dig too deeply into how BizForms|View Data|Edit is functioning, this sounds like what I need. 1.8c is due next week? Thanks. Will upgrade the project as soon as it's released. Thanks for such a prompt reply. Regards, Sharon.

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