• Azure - App Gateway issue -
    Question Feb 9, 2018
    We have moved our sites into Azure, we are running them on IIS servers, using an app gateway to host the inbound internet presence. The issue I have is when the health probe is checking the site its looking using the IP:Port and the site returns a License error since I am lic...

  • Azure Active Directory for authentication
    Question Apr 22, 2015
    Hi all, I realise this is not a supported feature, but has anyone managed to use Azure Active Directory as the authentication mechanism? I've essentially followed the directions as per this post: [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23420907/integrating-waad-on-existing-webf...

  • Azure Implementation of Kentico 9
    Question Dec 1, 2016
    Recently, I stood up a Kentico 9 instance on Azure. The application appears to run fine, but the event log is being filled with Web Farm errors. Since this is a test application I am just using a Free license to mainly figure out the development process; like how to build and ...

  • Introduction to (Windows) Azure
    Article Mar 10, 2011
    Hi there, with this post I’m starting a new series here on the DevNet portal about Windows Azure. I will write about Azure in general and also about Azure integration in Kentico CMS. In this first post I will introduce the Azure platform from a development point of view. I wil...

  • Process Session on Azure
    Question Oct 6, 2015
    Hi all, I have developed a website by Kentico and deploy it into IIS. I used Session to cache data on this site. Now I want to deploy this site to Azure and use load balancing. I think Session is not work on load balancing, so "How to process these Session to keep site work a...

  • Kentico with Azure AD
    Question Sep 27, 2018
    Hi, Is there anyone who has configures Azure AD login with Kentico? We are using the MVC development approach with the CMS hosted as a separate web app. We want to allow users to login using there Office 365 accounts. Appreciate any suggestions.

  • Azure Config Questions
    Question Jan 21, 2021
    I'm in the process of making a recommendation for a client who wants to develop a Kentico 13 site deployed to azure app services. I've read through documentation site and I still have a question. Is it recommended to run the Kentico administration application as a kentico app ...

  • Kentico Rest on Azure
    Question Jan 24, 2019
    I configured my website on azure web app for rest call. I am getting 403 error access denied. It works on my local Development machine.

  • Azure site - icons missing
    Question Mar 4, 2015
    I just followed the Kentico documentation to deploy a vanilla instance of Kentico to Azure cloud service. Everything seems to work, except the icon font appears to be missing. Can anyone explain this? [See screenshot here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Ig1Ts68HgnTFprZ2J...

  • Developing for (Windows) Azure
    Article Mar 24, 2011
    Today we will discuss developing for the Azure platform. I will tell you what you need to start development, something about the local development environment and also a few words about Windows Azure API.

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