• RE:SyncHelper.ServerError: Parent node does not exist, please synchronize parent node first."
    Forum Post Nov 28, 2012
    While I understand the need to focus resources on the latest version, this is a serious bug that affects us now. Like most institutions, we can't just upgrade the minute a new version comes out. We wait for the inevitable initial flood of bugs in a new version to be fixed. In ...

  • Upgrade Errors V6-->V7
    Forum Post Dec 21, 2012
    When we try using the Kentico Upgrade tool to upgrade our sites to V7, we are receiving this error: -- Update table UPDATE SET = NULL WHERE = 0; ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY () REFERENCES (); Failed to run SQL...

  • RE:Upgrade problems...
    Forum Post Jan 5, 2013
    Hi, It seems you are using the automatic upgrade. In this case the connection timeout setting from web.config file is used. However, applying of the SQL script can take much longer than this setting and as in your case, it timed out. So, please roll back the v6 backup of...

  • RE:Content staging after upgrade
    Forum Post Jan 18, 2013
    Boris, Thanks for the response. We tried splitting the script into two as you listed above and both seemed to run successfully. However, the issue is still present (receiving the "Your UI profile is not granted with permission to access this section. Please contact the a...

  • RE:"Page" tab in CMS Desk - display issue
    Forum Post May 14, 2013
    Is this a new installation or an upgrade from an older version? - Upgrade from 5.5r2 (via 6, then 7) - followed the manual upgrade instructions provided by Kentico. Did these items work as expected at any point? - Yes, in 5.5r2. Never in 7. Which browsers are you using? ...

  • RE:Ajax Control Toolkit bug
    Forum Post Sep 23, 2013
    Hello, Thanks for the additional info, upgrading is the best without any doubt. However, some information about hotfixes: You can find all fixed bugs under Bugtracker section. From version 6 you can also take benefit of automatic upgrades/hotfixing via KIM: Kentico Hotfi...

  • RE:Upgrading to Windows Azure
    Forum Post Oct 11, 2013
    Hi, The support for Windows Azure was not present in 4.x versions, it was added in 5.5 R2, so you will definitely need to upgrade. I suppose you're currently running the Web Site project, correct? Because even if you upgrade, you would still need to convert your applicat...

  • Kentico Installation Manager identifying 8.1 projects as 8.0
    Knowledge Base Article Aug 27, 2014
    After you upgrade a web project to Kentico 8.1 , you may encounter problems with the Kentico Installation Manager (KIM) utility incorrectly identifying 8.1 projects as version 8.0.

  • Kentico updating issue 7 to 8
    Question Mar 25, 2015
    Hi, I downloaded kentico Upgrade 7_0 to 8_0 exe and run it. it taking so much time and i notice that in wizard it giving error failed to run sql script like below - ![Image Text](http://s2.postimg.org/n9eek7xmx/Upgrade_Issue8.png) how much will take time to complete th...

  • CMS Icons not displaying.
    Question Mar 25, 2015
    After performing a stepped upgrade for a client, from 5.5 to 8, some of the icons in the CMS are failing to load when requested from the database using the GetMetaFile.aspx call. An example that is failing to load the image is shown below. Thanks, Chris Isom

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