• Direct File Uploader Control is throwing error.
    Question Jun 25, 2015
    While uploading a file for an Article type, I am getting the expection. ![Image Text](http://s22.postimg.org/cw1idro9t/error1.jpg) Direct File Uploader properties are as follows: ![Image Text](http://s4.postimg.org/w0dj4343h/Page_Type.jpg) I am also adding Log. Please sugg...

  • CMSTransactionScope and CMSConnectionScope in multi-threaded import
    Question Oct 21, 2016
    Hello, Can someone help me with best practice when using CMSTransactionScope and CMSConnectionScope within an import using the CMSParallel library? I'm thinking this is the correct way, but can someone tell me if i'm wrong? Basically I am importing lots of collections of dat...

  • Event log error
    Question Feb 4, 2021
    Hi, We are using Kentico 11 portal engine for public website. Since we split the marketing database to it's separate entity, we saw this error popping up on the event log all the time. In production environment, the error looks like this: Source: ContactActionsLogWorker Eve...

  • Configuration Error when using ASCX transformations
    Forum Post Sep 13, 2005
    Hello! I am getting weird error like that> Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS....

  • RE:can't login run kentico any more...
    Forum Post Jun 2, 2009
    still can't start kentico-website the original connectionstring i havn't touched <add name="CMSConnectionString" connectionString="Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=KenticoCMS;server=WS-STEFAN\SQLEXPRESS;Current Language=English;Connection Tim...

  • failing at the first step
    Forum Post Feb 2, 2010
    OK, I'm probably missing something *really* obvious, but here's what happening: System : windows server 2008 Kentico: v5 Ran the installation wizard and followed the instructions. It then tell me to go to http://localhost/kenticocms/default.aspx I then get the follow...

  • Configuration Error
    Forum Post Aug 5, 2010
    Hi! I was trying to put web.config in Debug mode by setting the following line to true: <compilation debug="false" numRecompilesBeforeAppRestart="100"> Now I keep getting this compilation error: Server Error in '/' Application. Configuration Error Descripti...

  • RE:Installation on Hosting Site can't find virtual web site pages.
    Forum Post Sep 16, 2010
    My hosting provider has reprovisioned my site to a server using an integrated application pool. However, instead of getting better, things have gotten worse. Now I am getting the following error. Server Error in '/' Application. --------------------------------------...

  • Recover site and db on local : Could not find stored procedure 'Proc_CMS_QueryProvider_SelectGeneration'.
    Forum Post Jan 7, 2011
    Hello, I use KenticoCMS 4.0 I tried to recover my site and my db from my hosting server to my local computer (localhost). but when i tried to connect, I have an server error message : [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: Proc_CMS_QueryProvider_SelectGeneration: caused e...

  • RE:Lightbox gallery - Custom button images not working
    Forum Post Aug 20, 2012
    Hello, when you see only the loading image, it means the content was not loaded. You can test it when ou add only simple content before the image (e.g. word "test"). You can extend the time out by this property: Load delay and speed up resizing by: Resize speed. If the ma...

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