• Smart search results not displaying correctly
    Forum Post Oct 4, 2013
    I have a smart search on my website however, my smart search results will often display the page name as "/", no description (even though there is content on the page) and the date will be 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM. It does this for most pages but not all of them. I've been fid...

  • How to add extra Fields to smart search index
    Forum Post Jan 24, 2014
    Hi, How can I add an extra *calculated* search field to a Document's Smart Search index? eg: We have a Document type of 'Company'. The Company Smart Search index is named idxCompany. It's nice to be able to use the CMS to define the index fields - but I'd like to add an add...

  • Smart search filter-> Values- > use OR
    Forum Post Feb 11, 2014
    Hi, i have set up Smart search and all work fine. I added a Smart Search filter using it as TextBox. I added VALUES: +_content +DocumentCategories So when I search for something throw the FILTER it must appear in both: +_content AND +DocumentCategories I ...

  • RE:search site content and Users
    Forum Post Jul 3, 2011
    Hi, Yes, it is possible to use smart search for this. You need to define documents index and user index contents and then use those indexes in the smart search results web part configuration. The ordering of the results is then up to you and can be also done in the web p...

  • GetSearchValue of smart Search custom index
    Forum Post Mar 15, 2013
    Hello, I've created a custom smart search index as described here. I added several fields to the search document by using the SearchHelper.AddField(doc, "MyName", "MyValue", true, false) function. How do I show these fields in the transformation of the Smart Search Resul...

  • RE:mutliple search field in one custom table
    Forum Post Dec 5, 2013
    Hi Sandro, Yes. That's one. I want to add more field so smart search could detect them. But is there any other way to use smart search to detect each pages URL that displaying the custom table? Currently, my smart search only detect the custom table data but it didn't...

  • facet example
    Question Mar 21, 2016
    Hey In the link below they say- "You can find examples of search filters on the sample Corporate Site on the Examples -> Web parts -> Full-text search -> Smart search -> Smart search filter and Faceted search pages." I am new in Kentico and do not mean where should i find ...

  • How to implement search with 2 text fields(allowing wild card search) and 1 filter based on a single
    Question Jun 21, 2018
    How to implement search with 2 text fields(allowing wild card search) and 1 filter based on a single page type? Is it possible to search with wild card in smart search filter displayed as a text field like smart search dialog? Please reply.

  • Manufacturer image not showing in search
    Question Jun 17, 2015
    We created a smart search with: * Index type: General * Analyzer type: subset * indexed content : manufacturer The search fields are: * Title field: ManufacturerDisplayName * Content field: ManufactureHomepage * Image field: ManufacturerThumbnailGUID * Date field: Manufactu...

  • Search & SEO
    Question Nov 3, 2017
    Hi, If we check exclude from search in navigation section of a page will hide the page from search engines as well as smart search?

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