• Synchronization and Azure
    Question Nov 19, 2016
    When trying to sync changes from my test/staging environment to my production environment I get the following error message... Synchronization client error: Exception occurred: The request failed with the error message: -- ` Object moved Object moved to here . ` --. ...

  • Azure media library with lots of files makes "Select media file" dialog unresponsive
    Question Jun 30, 2022
    Do anyone have any advice/approach on using Azure storage for a large number of media? I have put items in to sub-folders so most have < 50 items, one has 170. Doing this allows the media library UI to work (although quite slow). But the media selection dialog in the Pages ap...

  • Azure blob permanent media URLs not working in MVC app on 12 to 13 upgrade
    Question May 13, 2023
    I'm in the process of upgrading a site from 12 to 13 (ASP.Net Framework). I'm on the latest hotfix 13.0.110. I have a CustomAzureStorage module in a class library project that has been working successfully for the v12 site. The media library works normally in the Admin area ...

  • Custom Data Provider using Managed Identity Azure AD Authentication ConnectionString for Kentico Dat
    Question Apr 20, 2023
    I have implemented Custom data provider class library project for customizing the connection string for Azure AD Managed Identity with Authentication keyword connection string as below in web.config in CMSWebAPP as well as in .Net core webApp live site application in appsettin...

  • What is the new Windows Azure?
    Article Jul 13, 2012
    As reported by the Redmond Recap Windows Azure was revolutionized by the announcing in the recent Meeting Windows Azure event from June 2012. The post includes a fantastic graphic of the features currently available in Windows azure.

  • Azure Series: Hello World
    Video Article Mar 18, 2011
    Are you looking to understand the basic tools and technologies you need to work with Windows Azure and Kentico CMS? In this video we look at installing the Azure SDK 1.4 and building a simple application that runs in the Windows Azure Emulator.

  • Advanced development with Windows Azure
    Video Article Jun 20, 2013
    Are you an experienced Windows Azure developer or architect looking to understand advanced development techniques when building highly scalable applications and services using the Windows Azure platform? Then don’t miss this session!   Speaker: Bryan Soltis , Kentico MVP an...

  • Azure Deployment scripts with Kentico
    Question Jul 7, 2017
    We are trying to automate our deployment process of Kentico websites to Azure for continuous integration purposes, but we have no idea how we deploy the database as we would like to do it all in one Azure Deployment Script, rather than having to do anything manually. Is this ...

  • Integration with Azure CDN
    Question Jul 21, 2014
    Does Kentico support accessing the azure cdn using shared access signatures?

  • Azure Tools version mismatch
    Question Oct 7, 2015
    I'm trying to deploy a Kentico 8.0.19 site to Azure and having a terrible time. To try and make things easy, I'm trying to deploy a brand new (no customizations) site. I've installed a new 8.0 project (as Azure) with the .19 hotfix. Then I followed the directions [according...

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