• BitWizards + Mapex Technology Showcase
    Video Article Apr 27, 2012
    Great story of how Bitwizards, a Kentico Gold Partner developed an amazing solution for Mapex the MyDentity Custom Drum Builder using Kentico and Windows Azure. More information on this solution is available here .

  • Migrating Website To Cloud
    Video Article Apr 28, 2013
    With all the buzz around cloud computing these days, it is no surprise that more and more clients consider cloud as a replacement for their current infrastructure. You are looking towards sky, but do you really know what it takes to migrate existing Kentico website to the c...

  • Filip Ligač
    Author Mar 13, 2013
    Hi, I work as a Cloud Support Specialist here at Kentico. I write about Microsoft Azure and and am trying to extend knowledge about the best practices for deployment.

  • RE:Running Kentico in Azure Emulator
    Forum Post Jan 25, 2012
    The service config files do for sure, since they are listed in the help file and I verified them. I can only assume that the web.config does as well, since they aren't listed in the help files. I haven't changed any files - they are just as they are from 6.0 Install (No hot...

  • RE:Windows Azure deployment slow
    Forum Post Apr 12, 2012
    Hi, If you are able to run it in the emulator - everything should be configured correctly. The end point parameters are not mandatory for live environment - they are being set automatically and also, this should not have any affect whether it is built ok or not. Right now, ...

  • RE:Error when deploying to Azure (Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException)
    Forum Post Aug 1, 2012
    Hello. Thank you for you post. This could be related to previous issue, as if packages were not built well, it may cause such an issue on Azure then. However, this message seems to be a general ASP.NET issue. I would recommend trying the hints in the error messages - "T...

  • RE:Deployment takes over an hour
    Forum Post Aug 8, 2012
    Hello. I would say it is normal. However, it depends on your internet connection and upload speed. Data which needs to be uploaded to Azure may have several hundreds of MB, possibly almost 1GB. When deploying it from VS, it does nothing else than upload data on Azure serve...

  • Kentico and a separate application on Azure
    Forum Post Dec 21, 2012
    Hi, We are embarking on a new project which will have two applications, Kentico CMS for the front-end, authentication etc. and a separate application which is used for back-end administration (but will utilise Kentico authentication). Can someone please tell me if when d...

  • RE:Azure Logo
    Forum Post Jul 24, 2013
    Hello, The Kentico setting I mentioned is the same you did in your first post: CMS Site Manager -> Settings -> Cloud Services -> Show Windows Azure logo Since you confirmed that it is set to true, and since SettingsHelper.AppSettings["CMSAzureProject"] returns an emp...

  • RE:SQL Azure best practice
    Forum Post Aug 2, 2013
    Haven't done this with Azure but in a "normal" environment I've created the SP in the database using a similar naming convention as what Kentico uses but with my custom names. Then I create a custom document type and add a custom query within the new document type that calls ...

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